
8300 Reporting

The 8300 form is used to report to the US government specific information about hotel individuals who make payments that are exceeding $10,000 in cash to the property. IRS 8300 Reporting only becomes active when the Cashiering > 8300 Reporting application parameter is set to Y.

When a user is entering a individual payment from Cashiering > Billing, Cashiering > Cashier Functions > Deposits/CXL, or AR > Account Maintenance and the payment meets one of the following conditions, the IRS Form 8300 screen is displayed:

  1. (A)Payment Type = Cash, (B)Posted Amount > $10,000
  2. (A)Payment Type = Cash, (B)The Posted Amount PLUS any other cash payments on the folio > $10,000
  3. The individual has made payments exceeding $10,000 on a previous day of their current stay and the individual makes subsequent cash payments in any amount.

If the payment meets one of the conditions and the Post button is selected, the following message prompt appears: 'Form 8300 is required before proceeding with Payment.'

Select OK to Login and display the IRS Form 8300 screen. Provide the following information.

Last Name. Last name of the individual.

First Name. First name of the individual.

Middle. Middle initial of the individual.

Note: The above fields are read-only as this information is pulled from the individual's profile. See Profile for details

Address1. Address of the individual.

Country. Country for the address of the individual.

City. City associated to the address for the individual.

State. State where the individual's address resides. If the Country field does not have the United States (US) selected for it, then the State field can be left blank. The ISO code associated with the country code is used for validation.

Occupation. Occupation of the individual.

Tax ID. Taxpayer ID of the individual.

D.O.B. Individual's date of birth.

Document Type. Select the down arrow to choose the type of identifying document/ID used for verification.

Document No. Enter the identifying document/ID number.

Issued By. Select the down arrow to select who the identifying document/ID was issued by.

Monetary Breakdown. This section allows for a breakdown for the number of each monetary unit that was used in the payment. The monetary breakdown must the total listed in the Amount field.

Balance Fwd. Balance of previous cash payments made by the individual during their stay that is =<$10,000.

Amount. Total amount being declared for the 8300 reporting.

There must be a 8300 completed each time an individual exceeds $10,000 with a combination of all cash or cash types that do not have individual values greater than $10,000, even if a folio for an individual is re-opened and additional payments are added. For example:

individual - Daniel Watkins



Form 8300

Print IRS 8300?




Record Stored?



January 1, 2008

$9,000 Cash


Nothing to Print

Less than $10,000

January 2, 2008

$9,000 Cash



The individual has exceeded $10,000 and must have a 8300 Form submitted for $18,000

January 3, 2008

$9,000 Cash

Maybe (See Reasons)

Maybe (See Reasons)

If the 8300 Form has not been submitted to the IRS yet, this amount can be added to the original 8300 Form to make it $27,000. But if the form has been submitted, then a new 8300 Form is not required until the individual exceeds $10,000 again.

Note: If a payment is made in a foreign currency or any combination of currencies that exceed $10,000 when it is exchanged into US Dollars, a 8300 Form needs to be submitted. This is also true for payments made with Cashier Checks, Money Orders, Bank Drafts, Traveler's Checks or any combination that exceeds $10,000.


OK. Select the OK button to submit the entered information about the guest and the payment.

Note: If the OK button is selected and not all of the information has been entered on the IRS 8300 Form, then a message prompt is displayed to verify that the need for the 8300 Form can be overridden as not all of the fields have been filled out properly. Selecting Yes will force the user to manually enter a reason for the override of the 8300 Form. Select No to return to the 8300 Form and finish entering the payment information. This information is logged in the User Activity Log including the user who granted the override of the 8300 Form.

Close. Select to close the 8300 Form and return to the Billing screen. A message will be displayed to notify the user that the Payment will not be processed and they can select Yes to exit or select No to continue with the 8300 Form.

See Also