
Allocation Inventory Control

Allocation Inventory Control is available for Master and Sub Allocations so the user can assign where the inventory will be returned if the rooms are released or canceled. This is done on the Allocation Inventory Control screen, accessed through the Business Block Options>Inventory Control button. Allocation Inventory can be controlled on a day-day basis and for Master Allocations and/or Sub Allocations.


Application Settings:


Inventory Control provides PMS/ORS users with the ability to control each block's inventory, depending on the application settings and if the allocation is a Master or Sub Allocation. Inventory control records define on a daily basis where inventory will be returned when the following scenarios occur:

Master Allocation

The Master Allocation (only) has two inventory control options:

Sub Allocation

The Sub Allocation has three inventory control options: KEEP, MASTER, and HOUSE. The default for the Sub Allocation is set through the application setting Blocks> SUB ALLOCATION INVENTORY CONTROL DEFAULT.

Allocation Inventory Screen

On the Business Block Screen, highlight a Master Allocation or a Sub Allocation and select Options>Inventory Control. The Allocation Inventory Control screen appears.

Search Criteria

Date. This date defaults to the start date of the highlighted master allocation or sub allocation on the Business Block screen. You can select another start date using the calendar tool and selecting Search.


The grid shows a list of the master and all its sub allocation, regardless if the Options button is selected from the master or from one of the sub allocations. The cursor is placed on the record from where the screen was invoked.

Updating the Grid

The grid cells can be either updated directly in the grid, or by selecting the Edit button.

The Edit button opens the Inventory Control screen where you can enter a date range, day-of-week setting, and default inventory control type for the selected date range / day-of-week pattern. The date ranges entered must fall between the allocation start and end dates. The Inv. Control options are KEEP and HOUSE for Master Allocations (default KEEP), and KEEP, MASTER and HOUSE for Sub Allocations (default taken from the application setting Blocks>SUB ALLOCATION INVENTORY CONTROL DEFAULT).

Allocation. The allocation that was highlighted when selecting Edit is shown in the Allocation field. Select additional allocation records through this field to enable the update of multiple sub allocations at the same time.

From Date/To Date. The default dates initially appear in the fields. If desired, select other dates within the range that you want to control the inventory. If allocation dates are extended, the default inventory control values apply to the additional dates. If the date range of an allocation gets decreased, the inventory control records no longer in the allocation date range are deleted. If a business block is moved, only those inventory control records that are still within the new business block date range will be kept. Any records no longer in the business block date range will be deleted.

Inv. Control. If the master allocation is part of the selected records, only values KEEP and HOUSE are available for selection. If only sub allocations have been selected, then values KEEP, MASTER and HOUSE are available for updating.

Days of Week. Select the days of the week that you want the inventory control setup to apply.


Example 1:

A six-day reservation that was picked-up against a sub allocation gets canceled. The inventory control settings on the master and sub allocations for the days of the reservation are as follows:




Day 1



Day 2



Day 3



Day 4



Day 5



Day 6



Day 1: The inventory will be returned to the sub allocation.

Day 2: The inventory will be returned to the master allocation.

Day 3: The inventory will be returned to house availability.

Day 4: The inventory will be returned to the sub allocation.

Day 5: The inventory will be returned to house availability (sub returns to master, but master returns to house).

Day 6: The inventory will be returned to house availability.

Example 2:

A one-day sub allocation that holds 10 rooms, but does not yet have any pick-ups, gets canceled.



The 10 rooms are returned to the master allocation.



The 10 rooms are returned to the house availability.

The inventory control only applies before the cutoff date. Once the Master and / or Sub Allocation have been cut-off, inventory will be returned as per the rules below: