Block Offset Types Configuration
The Block Offset Types screen allows you to edit and activate/deactivate pre-configured block offset room types for your business block. Block offset types are rooms having reduced rates from their associated rooms and rate codes. This includes Complimentary, Staff, Concessionary, and similar rooms with reduced rates. For more information, see Block Offset Types Functionality.
Access this screen by selecting Configuration>Reservations>Business Blocks>Block Offset Types.
Four business block offset types are pre-configured. The code and description can be changed, but no additional offset types can be added. All pre-configured offsets (COMP, STAFF, CONC, and 04) are initially inserted as inactive. To use block offset types on business blocks, they must be activated by selecting the Edit button.
When the screen is first accessed, all four Offset Type Codes and Descriptions display.
Description. If you want one or several offset type displayed based on a keyword of the Code or Description, enter the keyword and select Search.
#. The number of the Block Offset Type on the grid for reference (either 1, 2 ,3, or 4).
Code. The name of the Block Offset Type. This can be edited.
Description. The long description of the Block Offset Type. This can be edited.
Seq. The sequence in lists throughout OPERA where the Block Offset Type will appear. The sequence order can be changed by highlighting the Block Offset Type and selecting the Move Up/Move Down buttons.
Active. An X indicates that the Block Offset Type is Active. This can be edited.
This screen displays when the Edit button is selected. Edit the available fields, as necessary. Select OK to save your changes.
Grid #. (Cannot be edited.) The number of the Block Offset Type for reference (either 1, 2 ,3, or 4).
Short Desc. The name (Code) of the Block Offset Type. Enter a new name, if desired.
Description. The long description of the Block Offset Type. Enter a new description, if desired.
Active. Activate or deactivate the Block Offset Type, as desired. When selected, the Block Offset Type can be applied to a block. When inactive (not selected), the Block Offset Type displays in the Block Offset Selection screen (when the Offsets button is selected from the Business Block or Quick Business Block screen) but is highlighted in gray and cannot be applied to a block.
Note: It is not possible to deactivate a Block Offset Type that is in use on future blocks. You will receive a message stating that the offset is in use on a future block.
Display Seq. (Can only be changed on the main Block Offset Types screen.) The sequence in lists throughout OPERA where the Block Offset Type will appear.
See Also