OBI Overview
Note: When the OPR<version Number>ORS license code is active, three option buttons appear on the Application Settings screen that affect what Group Functions, Parameters, and Settings will be available.
- The Global option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that will affect all properties located in all CROs in the ORS database.
- The CRO option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that will affect all properties located in the CRO selected from the CRO LOV.
- The Property option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that are available on the property level, and will only affect the property selected in the Property LOV.
- BI ENABLED - Enable a property for Business Intelligence Analysis. By setting this Value to Y, the Property will be included in the BI cubes.
- BUILD CENTRAL CURRENCY - When this parameter is set to Y then Central Currency values will be included in OBI cubes, otherwise they will be empty.
- DELETE OBI KEYWORDS ON REBUILD Application Setting - Deletes the existing OBI Keywords when a Cube is Rebuilt.
- DROP CUBE WITH FULL REBUILD - When this parameter is set to Y, OBI Cubes will be dropped (deleted) and recreated with every full rebuild.
- ENABLE RESV STAT DAILY - This parameter enables the logging of the Reservation Stat Daily Table in OCIS/ORS where PMS is not active and Datamart and OBI is active.
- ENABLE SUMMARY LOG - This parameter enables the logging of the Reservation Summary Log Table in OCIS/ORS where PMS is not active and Datamart and OBI are active.
- INCLUDE INVALID DIMENSION VALUES - When this parameter is active, OBI cubes will include all invalid dimension values (and display them as invalid) instead of discarding them.
- OBI DIM Security - Enable dimension security for all Cubes in OBI.
- OBI KEEP RAW REQUEST LOG - When this parameter is set to Y, a copy of the raw inquiry and booking request data will be kept for export.
- OBI TRACE 11G CUBE - Enable the internal Trace of 11g Cubes into Table Cube_Operations_Log in the BI Schema. Valid only for 11g Database and Cubes in 11g format.
- OBI USE CUSTOM CALENDAR - Use Custom Calendars for OBI Cubes instead of default calendar. When this parameter is changed, please drop and rebuild all the OBI Cubes.
- POPULATE/SYNC. MANAGERS REPORT - When this parameter is set to Y for selected properties not having an active PMS, the Managers Report Table in OBI will get populated and synchronized.
- USE BI GROUPS FOR OLTP - When this parameter is set to Y, specific users having the add-on license OPS_SAREP<version number> can be selected to access S&C Advanced Reporting.
- ADVANCED REPORTING DEFINITE STATUS - Status Codes used to Calculate ‘Definite’ values in S&C Advanced Reporting.
- ADVANCED REPORTING PROSPECT STATUS - Status Codes used to Calculate ‘Prospect’ values in S&C Advanced Reporting.
- ADVANCED REPORTING TENTATIVE STATUS - Status Codes used to Calculate ‘Tentative’ values in S&C Advanced Reporting.
- FUTURE STAY MONTHS - Indicates how months of future data will be included in the Reservation Pace Cubes.
- MAX SNAPSHOTS IN PACE CUBE - Maximum Snapshot Days that can be RUNNING or BUILDING at once when rebuilding PACE and Monthly PACE Cubes. 0 means all Snapshot days.
- OBI ACCOUNT RELATIONSHIP TOP LEVELS - Defines the number of levels from the top of the relationship hierarchy to be included in S&C Advanced Reports. This currently applies only to S&C Advanced Reporting.
- OBI ACTIVE EVENT TYPES - Defines Event Types to be included in the OBI Event dimension.
- OBI ALLOTMENT OFFSET TYPE. Defines the Offset Type to be used in S&C Advanced Reporting views.
- OBI ALLOTMENT SNAPSHOT TYPE - Selections for Business Block Snapshot Type to be used in S&C Advanced Reporting in the Room Block Subject Area.
- OBI_BUDGET_FORECAST_TYPE - Selections for the Budget and Forecast type to be used for the Pace Cubes.
- OBI BUDGET STATUS - Defines the status used to calculate the booked room and catering figures in the S&C Advanced Reporting Business Block Budget and Catering Budget subject areas.
- OBI COMPANY RELATIONSHIP TYPE - Defines the company relationship type (top down) used for the relationship-based company dimension for S&C Advanced Reports. This currently applies only to S&C Advanced Reporting.
- OBI_DAILY_SNAPSHOT TYPE - Defines Snapshot days to be used in the Daily Pace Cube.
- OBI EVENT RESERVATION MONTHS - Limits the Future and Past reservation event dimension to the months specified in this parameter.
- OBI EVENT TYPES - Defines the event types used to calculate the catering figures in the S&C Advanced Reporting Catering Budget subject area.
- OBI EXTERNAL FILE DIRECTORY - Defines the folder in the Shared Drive where the POS data files will be saved for import.
- OBI FISCAL YEAR START MONTH - Start month of the Fiscal/Financial Year to be considered in BI.
- OBI FUTURE STAY MONTHS. This setting indicates how months of future data will be included in the Reservation Pace Cubes and in S&C Advanced Reporting queries.
- OBI GOAL STATUS - Selections for the status codes used to calculate the booked room and catering figures in the S&C Advanced Reporting Manager Arrival Goals subject area.
- OBI INCREMENTAL BUILD WAIT TIME - Defines the time after a successful Daily Build before an Incremental Build starts.
- OBI LOG LEVEL - Defines the level and type of data desired for an OBI Query Log entry that can be used for diagnostics or troubleshooting.
- OBI_MONTHLY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE - OBI_MONTHLY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE - Defines Snapshot days to be used in the Monthly Pace Cube.
- OBI PAST DATA CALCULATION METHOD - Users can choose whether they want to compare past figures of rooms, revenues, etc. through the Reservation PACE Cube based on the day of the week or by date only.
- OBI REPORTING YEAR MODE - Choose to report in Calendar Year, Financial Year, or in both Calendar and Financial Year in OBI.
- OBI SOURCE RELATIONSHIP TYPE - Source relationship type (top down) used for the relationship based source dimension for S&C Advanced Reports. This currently applies only to S&C Advanced Reporting.
- OBI START YEAR - This setting determines the year from when the OBI cube data will begin to be built.
- OBI TRAVEL AGENT RELATIONSHIP TYPE - Travel Agent relationship type (top down) used for the relationship based Travel Agent dimension for S&C Advanced Reports. This currently applies only to S&C Advanced Reporting.
- OBI UI URL - User interface URL for OPERA Business Intelligence.
- PAST DATA PERIOD IN PACE AND FUTURE - This Parameter indicates how much of past data (Month/Quarter/Year) will be included in the Reservation Pace Cubes.
- POTENTIAL RATE CODE - Defines a Rate Code to calculate the potential revenue for each room type.
- PREFERRED INSTANCE LIST - Used in a RAC environment, the list contains server nodes (instances) that can be selected for building and maintaining BI Cubes.