
Account Statistics Report (REP_ACC_STATS.REP with REP_ACC_STATS.FMX)

The Account Statistics report shows how many room nights were generated by a master (with the option to roll up subsidiary statistics), and whether the reservations (split between group and individual) were attached to a company, travel agent or source profile and if so, which one. The account statistics can be detailed by source code, origin code, market code, company profile, travel agent profile or source profile.

For purposes of this report, the definition of a Master Account is any company, agent or source profile that has hierarchical relationships linked beneath it and does not have any hierarchical relationships linked above it.

Note: Running this report requires that the user be granted the ACCOUNT PRINT permission in the selected property. Also, the Property LOV in this report is further limited by the properties to which the user has the permission granted.

Report Filter Criteria

Account Name. Select the Accounts to print on this report.

Account Owner. Filter accounts by Owners. This filter applies to the account being detailed, not to the accounts that may be reported as details of that account.

Priority. Filter accounts by Priority codes. This filter applies only to the account being detailed, not to the accounts that may be reported as details of that account.

Territory. Filter accounts by Regions. This filter applies only to the account being detailed, not to the accounts that may be reported as details of that account.

Profile Type. Filter accounts by Profile Type (Company, Travel or Source). This filter applies only to the account being detailed, not to the accounts that may be reported as details of that account.

Account Country. Filter accounts by Account Countries. This filter applies only to the account being detailed, not to the accounts that may be reported as details of that account.

Bus. Segment. Filter accounts by Business Segments. This filter applies only to the account being detailed, not to the accounts that may be reported as details of that account.

Postal From/To. Filter accounts by a Postal Code range to filter this report by. This filter applies only to the account being detailed, not to the accounts that may be reported as details of that account.

Rollup Sub-Account Statistics. If checked, the Relationship selection field is enabled. Select from a list of all configured hierarchical relationship types where the From Type and the To Type equal the type selected in the Profile Type LOV. For example, if Company is selected in the Profile Type LOV, then the Relationship LOV will list Company to Company hierarchical relationships. Hierarchical relationships with a From Type or To Type that is not equal to Company will not be displayed. The report will then calculate statistics from all accounts linked to the master account via that relationship type.

Property. Filter account statistics by the selected Properties.

Date Range. Filter account statistics by the selected Date Range.

Details by. Use this option to break down the account statistics by Company Profile, Travel Agent Profile, Source Profile, Market Segment, Origin or Source Code.

Net/Gross. Select the Net or the Gross option button depending on how you want to display actual figures.

Report Data

This report displays the following information broken down by the selected filter in the Details by field: Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Priority, Name 2, City, Country, Owner Name, Owner Code, Name 3, Postal Code, State, Business Segment, Territory, Stays, Total Nights (Individual, Blocked, Total), Net Revenue - or Gross, depending on the selection made - (Room, F&B, Miscellaneous) and Total Revenue.

This report does not consider DAY USE rooms in the Room Nights figures

Note: If a value is selected in the Details by LOV, the report is calculated (in Property and Central) directly from reservation_stat_daily.

When a value is not selected in the Details By LOV, the figures in rep_acc_stats are calculated using the following Profile summary tables:

1. profile_yearly_statistics - when the date range requested includes a full calendar year, this table is used.
2. profile_monthly_statistics – when the date range requested includes full calendar months but not a complete calendar year, this table is used.
3. company_stat_daily (or agent_stat_daily or source_stat_daily) – when the date range requested includes dates that are less than a full calendar month, this table is used for those dates.

Example 1:
If the requested date range is January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011, then profile_yearly_statistics will be used.

Example 2:
If the requested date range is January 1, 2011 – December 30, 2011, then profile_monthly_statistics will be used for January 1 – November 30 and company_stat_daily will be used for December 1 – December 30.

Note: If running this report in SFA for an interfaced property, then the reservation_stat_daily table must be exchanged via OXI and the application parameter General>POPULATE RESERVATION STATISTICS TABLES must be set to Y.