
Synchronize OBI Data Mart Utility

Select Utilities>Synchronize Utilities>Synchronize OBI Data Mart Utility to display the OBI & Datamart Synchronize Utility screen. (Datamarts are data repositories with summarized, or aggregated, data taken from OPERA tables and grouped into specific categories. The datamarts are a source for quick retrieval of data by OBI cubes for reports and display.)Use this screen to populate datamart tables for the first time for OPERA Business Intelligence (OBI) use, or to recalculate and update the datamart tables, ensuring they contain the latest data. Once the datamarts are built, they are updated during the End of Day/Night Audit Procedure.

Note: When datamarts are populated through the End of Day/Night Audit Procedure, datamart messages are immediately sent to the central system instead of waiting for the business date to be closed which could be a day or two later. This will ensure that the information is received on time for the cube builds in the central system.

To prepare for the Night Audit procedure:
- Ensure that the user is granted the permission End of Day>Night Audit Setup.
- Go to OXI>Interface Configuration>Interface Parameters to select the types of datamarts you want.
- Go to System Configuration>Setup>Business Events>Configuration, select the module NIGHT AUDIT and the Action Type NA DATAMART, with the Data Element BUSINESS DATE checked.
- Then, start the Night Audit by accessing End of Day Routine>Night Audit Procedure.

The available OBI datamart synchronization processes are:

To run the synchronization process, provide the following information and select the OK button. When the process is complete, a message informs you "Synchronizing Complete."

Sync. Type. Select the synchronization process from the LOV. Each is explained below.

Property. This LOV appears when the OPP_MHOT OPERA Property Management Multi-Property Base add-on license code or OPR<version number>ORS license code is active. Select the down arrow to select a property from the list of values.

Note: Only properties with the parameter setting OBI>POPULATE/ SYNC. Manager's Report set will display in the LOV. The POPULATE/ SYNC. Manager's Report parameter must be set for those properties that are part of a pure ORS system, where the PMS is not active at the property and for which the PMS is not uploading datamart messages (such as MyFidelio).

Begin Date. Enter the beginning date for the data that will be synchronized.

End Date. Enter the ending date to be covered by the synchronization action.

Sync. Reservation Statistics

This procedure populates additional columns for access by OBI for all the reservation statistics created at the property. The datamart and cubes affected are:

Datamart - Reservation_stat_daily

Cubes - Reservation History (Daily and Monthly), Travel Agent, Company, Pace Cubes (Past Data only)

Initial Sync of Reservation Summary

This procedure populates the Reservation Summary Log table for the property for the first time. Date fields are not required for this process. The data mart and cubes affected are:

Data mart - Reservation_summary_log

Cubes - Pace Cubes (Daily and Monthly)

Sync. Block History Statistics

This procedure populates historical data for past blocks. The data mart and cubes affected are:

Datamart - Allotment_stat_daily

Cubes - Allotment

Sync. Managers Report

This procedure populates a new obi_managers_report_fact table which is used to build the Managers Report. This datamart also contains central revenues.

Note: The Sync. Managers Report displays in the drop-down list in an ORS environment where at least one property has the active application parameter OBI>POPULATE/ SYNC. Manager's Report. (See POPULATE/SYNC MANAGERS REPORT.) The Property LOV will only display the properties with this application parameter active. The POPULATE/ SYNC. Manager's Report parameter must be set for those properties that are part of a pure ORS system, where PMS is not active at the property and for which the PMS is not uploading datamart messages (such as MyFidelio).

The datamart and cubes affected are:

Datamart - Rep_manager

Cubes - Daily Summary