
Activity Time Zone Conversion Utility

Select Utilities > Data > Activity Time Zone Conversion to access the Activity Time Zone Conversion utility. You must have Utilities>Activity Time Zone Conversion permission to access this feature.

This feature is available in Sales and Catering when the Activity > Use Time Zones for Activities application parameter is set to Y. See Activity Time Zones for details on the Use Time Zones for Activities feature.

Once you have configured time zones for users (Edit User screen) and for the property (Property Details screen) you can use this utility to convert existing activities so that the dates and times associated with the activities reflect the appropriate user or property time zones.

If you need to revert the changes made by this utility, use the following PL SQL statement:


v_msg VARCHAR2(32000);


IF sc_utilities.convert_activities_to_db_tz(v_msg, TRUE) THEN NULL; END IF;
