ADS MODE Application Setting
Group. OEDS |
Type. Setting |
Application. PMS ORS (Global) |
Description. This setting will determine what mode the Opera ADS interface should accept incoming reservations. If 'HOUSE', then availability will be pulled from House. If 'BLOCK', then availability will be pulled from the Block. The BLOCK_SEARCH field should be selected on the Channel Setup as well. If 'HOUSE,BLOCK', then availability will be pulled from the House if BLOCK_SEARCH field value is empty and availability will be pulled from the Block if BLOCK_SEARCH field value is not empty.
Property Determination.
Activation / Inactivation Rules. |
<none> |
Available Values. |
HOUSE- House BLOCK- Block |
Add On Licenses/Country Specifics. |
<none> |
Other Application Settings. |
<none> |
Affected Areas
Menus / Screens / Fields. |
Channel Setup Screen |
Reports & Report Forms. |
<none> |
Permissions. |
<none> |
Other Areas. |
<none> |