Alternate Name
The alternate name feature allows you to record an alternate (or native) name, title, language, and salutation for each profile using the national character set. You can then search for profiles using either the base language name or native name values. The alternate (or native) name will also be displayed within search grids and can be shown on customizable reports via merge codes within the address format configuration. Alternate names can help identify and manage profiles during the Profile Merge process. When the Alternate Name feature is active, the globe button appears next to the Name field on the Profile screen.
(This feature is available when OPP<version number>OPERA PMS license and/or the OPR<version Number>ORS license codes are active and when the General > Alternate Name application function is set to Y).
Select the globe icon next to a Name field on the Profile screen to enter or edit an alternate name. Provide the following information on the Alternate Name screen and select the OK button to set up an alternate name.
Name. Name as it appears on the profile screen.
Alt. Name. Alternate last name.
Tip: You can type "#DEL" into this field to remove all alternate information from the profile in OCIS. When the profile update is sent from OPMS to OCIS, ALL of the alternate information will be removed from the OCIS profile. Entering #DEL will also remove all alternate information from any properties to which the profile is subscribed. In addition, information will also be removed from all properties if broadcast is enabled and the interface rules are set so that ORS fully overlays the OPMS profiles.
Alt. First. Alternate first name.
Tip: You can type "#DEL" into this field to remove the alternate first name from the profile in OCIS. When the profile update is sent from OPMS to OCIS, ONLY the Alternate First name will be removed from the OCIS profile; all other alternate information will still exist on the profile. Entering #DEL will also remove the Alternate First name from any properties to which the profile is subscribed. In addition, information will also be removed from all properties if broadcast is enabled and the interface rules are set so that ORS fully overlays the OPMS profiles.
Alt. Language. Select the down arrow to choose an alternate guest correspondence language.
Alt. Title. Select the down arrow to choose an alternate courtesy greeting (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Herr, Mm., etc.) from the Titles list of values. The greetings are sorted based on the language selected. When you select a title, the default salutation for that title appears in the Alt. Salutation field.
Alt. Salutation. By default, the system combines the individual's last name with the selected title to create a salutation. You can directly edit the salutation, if desired.
Alt. Env. Greeting. An alternate envelope greeting can be configured to correspond with the Alt. Title.
Using the profile search screens (i.e., Account Search, Profile Search, Contact Search and Quick Profile), you can search for profiles having a name that contains diacritical marks (e.g., umlaut, accent grave, tilde, etc.). However, because of the way OPERA searches for profile records when Alternate Name is active, when setting up such profiles, the Name field is expected to contain the name in "regular English" characters and the Alternate Name field is expected to contain the name using the diacritical marks. For example:
Name = WunschDirWas
Alt. Name = WünschDirWas
Setting up profiles in this way ensures that the record will be found whether or not the user includes the diacritical marks in the search name, and regardless of whether the Alternate Name application function happens to be active at the time of the search.
See Also