AR FINANCE CHARGES Application Setting
Group. AR |
Type. Function |
Application. PMS |
Description. Activate the Automatic Generation of Finance Charges on an AR Account based on Cycle Days.
Property Determination. This feature allows a property to automatically post a flat amount or percentage finance charge based on a user-defined cycle. For determining the age of the AR balance, the “clock” starts on the date when the invoice is created. The End of Day Post AR Finance Charges procedure posts finance changes using the transaction code specified by the AR > Default Finance Charge Trn Code application setting. Each finance change levied appears on the AR account as a separate invoice. If the finance charge calculation results in a 0 amount or a negative amount, no finance invoice would be generated.
Activation / Inactivation Rules. |
<none> |
Available Values. |
Y- Yes N- No |
Add On Licenses/Country Specifics. |
<none> |
Other Application Settings. |
Affected Areas
Menus / Screens / Fields. |
Configuration>Accounts Receivables>Types |
Reports & Report Forms. |
<none> |
Permissions. |
<none> |
Other Areas. |
<none> |