
Posting History - AR

The AR Posting History screen displays User Activity Log information filtered to show posting activity for the AR account you select. To display the Posting History screen for an account, select Post History from the Account Maintenance Options menu or the Account Posting Options menu. (The Account Maintenance Options menu is accessible from the AR Account Search screen. The Account Posting Options menu is accessible from the AR Account screen.)

Note: The complete User Activity Log is accessed by selecting Miscellaneous > User Activity Log.

The following information is displayed on the Posting History screen.

Action. Description of the posting activity. Double-click on the Action field to display the full text description. The following types of posting activities are listed:

Reason. The reason code (for adjustments only).

Date. The date when the action was taken.

Time. The time when the action was taken.

User. The OPERA user name for the user making the change.

Terminal. The workstation ID of the computer at which the action was taken.

Machine. The network machine ID of the computer at which the action was taken. (For OPERA Thin Client, this will be the same as the Terminal.)

Transaction Details Screen

To see details for postings, highlight an entry on the Posting History screen and select the Details button. The Transaction Details screen appears and shows details for the transactions posted to an account. The screen consists of two grids. The left grid shows the original transaction and the right grid shows any changes that may have been made to that transaction, such as adjustments to the amount or transaction code changes.

For each grid, the following information is provided:

Description. Transaction description.

Amount. Amount of the transaction.

Supplement. Supplemental information related to the transaction. For example, this field might include information about generates such as taxes that have been added to a transaction; or for payments, this field might show the credit card number for a credit card payment.

See Also