AR Activity - All Types (aractivity with GENREPPAR.FMX)
Note: This report is only available when the CASHIERING>ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES application function is set to Y.
The AR Activity report displays Credit or Transfer transactions that exist for an AR Account.
The report output is grouped by Account Type (i.e., Company, Travel Agent) and is then sorted alphabetically by Account Name. A Total per Invoice, all Payments and an Account Total is given for each Account.
Activity Type. Select the down arrow to choose specific activity types to include in the report output or leave the field blank to include all activity types.
Owner Flag. Available when the OPV_<version number> Opera Vacation Ownership license is active, select to Exclude Owner activity, display Owner Only activity, or leave the field blank to include all activity in the report output.
Account Name. Profile name to which the account is attached.
A/R Number. The accounts receivable number.
Guest Name. Name of the guest attached to the reservation.
Invoice No. Invoice number assigned by OPERA when the folio is transferred to AR or when a new invoice is created in AR.
Description. Description of the A/R Activity.
Cashier. Cashier that completed the transaction. This column displays the name associated with the cashier ID of the user that originally posted the transaction.
Activity Date. Date when the A/R Activity for the account occurred.
Trn. Code. Transaction code assigned to the transaction.
Amount. Amount the transaction was for.