
AR Detailed Aging (aragingdet with ARA1.FMX)

Note: This report is only available when the CASHIERING > ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES application function is set to Y.

The AR Detailed Aging report displays all account invoice details per AR Account. This report lists each Invoice, transaction or folio that contributes to the current balance of each individual AR account. The information displays the invoice balance for each line item in the appropriate aging level. The output is divided into two sections, the AR ledger and Accruals.

The number of aging level columns displayed depends entirely on the property, as the aging levels are user-definable.

The Total AR Ledger balance will correspond to the AR Ledger Section ‘Balance Today’ line on the Trial Balance report – trial_balance.rep for the selected business date.

The Total per Aging Levels and Total per AR Account can be compared and balanced with the following reports:

When the END OF DAY > INCOME AUDIT application function is active, the Final reports for AR Aging will be run as backdated, if there is any posting action in the Accounts Receivable module. A posting action includes creating new invoices, additions to invoices, adjustments, payments and applying unallocated payments to existing Invoices. Direct Bill settlements for the current day will not be considered as an Accounts Receivable action in this case, as they are not transferred into an AR account until the End of Day process for the current business date is run.

Selection Criteria

Account Types. If a specific account type is not selected, the report will print for all account types with an aging balance for the date specified.

Business Date. Report output can be for the current business date, any past dates, or for future dates. The default will be the current business date.

Note: For future dates, invoice or payment amounts may move to older aging buckets, depending on the date selected, but the total balance on the report remains the same as if the report was run for current business date. In the example report below where the report is run for a future date, the 61 days and over bucket combines the totals of the 46-60 day and 61 and over buckets.

Note: When the aging report is run for a previous (past) date, the invoice or payment amounts will be calculated and displayed in the aging buckets according to what the aging levels were as of that previous (past) date. These might not match the current date's aging bucket amounts or the current date's balance.

Sort Order. Account Name (Default), Account Number, Business Date, Invoice Number.

Owner Flag. Available when the OPV_<version number> Opera Vacation Ownership license is active, select Exclude Owner, Owner Only, or leave the field blank to include both owner and non-owner accounts in the report output.