AR Old Balance Detailed (aroldbaldet with GEN1.FMX)
Note: This report is only available when the CASHIERING > ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES application function is set to Y.
The AR Old Balances Detailed report prints from the AR > Utilities > Enter Old Balances screen.
This report displays the Date, Time, Posted Date (insert date), Posted time (insert time), Name, Invoice No., Debit, Credit, Total Tax (new functionality existing as of v 2.00) and represents the total of all taxes entered as the tax is inclusive, Market Code, Source Code, User ID, and Cashier No. Users can select a date range based on the insert date. The report prints based on the transaction code as defined in the parameter AR_BAL_TRX_CODE and this transaction code prints at the bottom of the report in the filter.
From Date. The beginning date range from when the old balance was entered in the application, this is not the date posted on the old balance.
To Date. When the end date range from when an old balance was entered in the application, this is not the ending date posted on old balances.