AR Transfer Report (artransfer with GENREPPAR.FMX)
Note: This report is only available when the CASHIERING>ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES application function is set to Y.
The AR Transfer Report displays:
Auditors and accounting personnel can print this report to verify and validate all transferred transactions for the day, or to have a list of all transfers to Accounts Receivable posted during a shift.
Transfer Date. Select the date of the transfers to report on. If this field is blank, the report defaults to the current business date.
Cashier Name. Type the name of the cashier to view all of the transfers that were made by them.
Owner Flag. Available when the OPV_<version number> Opera Vacation Ownership System license is active. Select the down arrow to Exclude Owner activity, display Owner Only activity, or leave the field blank to include all activity in the report output.
Note: This will include charges that have been transferred from an Owner Reservation to an Owner Account.
The Remaining in Holding Area (Not Transferred) section is available when the AR>Auto Transfer Folios application parameter is set to N.