Audit Simultaneous Login (audit_simultaneous_login with GEN12 FMX)
For each simultaneous login by the same user on a distinct workstation, the Audit Simultaneous Login report shows the user name, the date and time of the simultaneous login, the workstation the user has logged into, and the other workstations to which the user is already logged in.
Activity Date
From Date/To Date. Enter the start date and end date of the period to report. The default is today's system date. The To Date must be less than or equal to the system date.
Activity By. Select the down arrow to choose the user IDs and/or user groups to report simultaneous logins. If you select a user group, the report will filter on all users in that user group.
Text. Enter a text string to filter on those user log entries that contain that string in the action description.
Sort Order. Select the down arrow to choose from the sort order options: Date (default), Time, Time Descending, User, Action Type, Description.
User. The user ID of the user who is already logged in to another workstation and is simultaneously login in to another workstation.
Date & Time. Date and time of the simultaneous login.
Workstation. Workstation ID from which the simultaneous login was made.
Logged Workstations. Comma separated list of the workstations that the user has already logged into at the time he or she logs into another workstation. The list excludes simultaneous logins on the same workstation.