Auto Folio Settlement Rules
When the Cashiering > Auto Folio Settlement application function is set to Y, select the Configuration > Cashiering > Auto Folio Settlement Rules menu option to define the rules behind the Auto Folio Settlement functionality. The Auto Folio Settlement allows for properties to automatically settle specific guest folios for every X number of days during the Night Audit or manually settled via the Batch Folio option.
Auto Folio Settlement Types. Select the down arrow to choose the auto folio settlement types that are attached to the profiles on the reservations to be settled during the End of Day sequence. This multi-select list of values displays types that have been configured from the Configuration > Profile > Auto Folio Settlement Type menu option.
Payment Type. Select the down arrow to choose which payment types can be auto settled. This list does not include the Cash or Check payment types.
Default Folio Style. Select the down arrow to choose the default folio style to be used when printing the settled folios. The folio style set here will also be the default folio style that is used when completing a Auto Folio Settlement from the Configuration > Cashiering > Cashier Functions > Batch Folios menu option.
Settle every X days since last auto settle. Enter the number of days to automatically settle the folio since the last auto settle was completed.
Transfer charges to window 8. Select to have the settled charges moved to window 8.
Note: Auto settled charges on windows with a Direct Bill payment type will never be moved to window 8.
Auto Settlement to be Performed During End of Day. Select the check box to have the auto settlement be performed during the End of Day procedure.
Default Auto Settlement on Reservation. Select to have the Auto Settlement Privilege check box be the default for reservations.
Select which windows (1-8) need to be processed for Auto Settlement during the end of day procedure.
See Also