
Automatic Reconciliation

Automatic Reconciliation - (AIB)

AIB is short for Automated Inventory Balancing.

To get to Automated Inventory Balancing:  go to OXI and Select Inventory Balance>Automatic Reconciliation. Or in OPERA, go to Miscellaneous> Automated Reconciliation. Automated resync of inventory where OXI acts as gathering tool for OPERA and External system bookings and allotments. Comparison of the two systems is then done. Any updated data is sent to the respective systems and undelivered bookings and allotments are forwarded to the receiving systems. If inventory cannot be balanced automatically there is the manual delivery methods still provided for user intervention. Reservation inventory can still be balanced via the Reservation Comparison utility. It is still available to user when the AIB maximum of ‘3’ requests have been met for the day. (This functionality is currently in use by IHG for the Holidex OXI.)

There are two request types:

The AIB screen displays list of current and past status for any request done for the last 7 days. Any requests prior to that will have been removed. Details for Bookings and Allotments are available for review.

Note:  If AIB is not going to be used by client for any reason where Balancing cannot be done then set AIB parameter DAILY REQUESTS ALLOWED = 0. Save the value.

Note:  When on Group or Individual detail tabs

Manual AIB activation

Step 1> To start AIB manually


Property. Pick-list option available in a multi-property setup, otherwise will default to property configured

Process Status. Filter available to display only by column #2 Process Status

Interface. Filter by type of interface. Defaults to Holidex.

Date. Filter by Calendar date

Remarks. Display of statistics for Block Requests and Errors from any Failed AIB request

Start Date. Calendar pick for AIB request. Defaults to current business date

Days. Manual entry field for amount of days that the AIB request is for from the Date Requested. Minimum request of 1 to maximum request of 30.

End Date. Auto populated field when Start Date and amount of Days are entered

Text. Light blue text will display ‘Response Success’ based on the highlighted record on the screen.


Column Name


Proc. Id

Unique Identifier for each AIB request. All linked messages will be the same ID number. AIB main screen uses this a main default, the most recent on top.

Process Status

After request has been made, status will update as responses on data have returned from External and compare functionality is completed

Process Start

Date and Timestamp for each request is logged.

Process End

Date and Timestamp for each request finish is logged

Action Type

Type of request message is given for Block or Reservation.

Msg. Rcv

Value = Y or N, to confirm if external response is received.

User Name

Name will always display as interface ‘HOLIDEX’




Machine name where request was called from

Request Start

Request Start date from request

Request End

Request End date as specified by amount of day (i.e. 1-30)

Response Start


Response End



Name of Property request was requested for


Name will always display as AIB-SYNC- REQUEST as in Message Status screen

Interface ID

Name will always display as ‘HOLIDEX’

Total Resp

Amount of responses recorded for the request

User ID

User ID is the interface, not the user who requested

Step 2> Response Success or Request Failed

Failure or success for each request will be updated on AIB’s main screen. AIB main screen does not automatically refresh itself.

Select REFRESH to see latest status.

Step 3> Accessing/Viewing AIB data details

Select the DETAILS key

Details Screen


Holidex Column

OPERA Column

Block Code



Begin Date



End Date




(Date of action)


Action Taken

UL = Upload, DL = Download, EX = External Compare


Action Status

Compared, Upload, Download


Action Description

Description of the action will be in text format


AIB Comparison Points

Comparison points:

On PMS Side

On Holidex Side

Rate Code

Rate Category

Group Block Code

Convention/Group Code

Room Type

Room Type

Arrival Date

Arrival Date

Number of Nights

Number of Nights

Segment Number

Segment Number

CRS Confirmation Number

CRS Confirmation Number

An exception is made for Group bookings, as it is possible that Groups can be created without a Rate Code in PMS and sent to the Holidex PLUS system. When that happens only the Rate Amount for deduct Room Types will be sent to Holidex.

Balancing Logic:

OPERA status

Holidex status


No booking

Reserved booking

AIB sends request for Reservation for OPERA

No booking


No action

Reserved booking – no CRS #

No booking

AIB will send Reservation to Holidex

Reserved booking – with CRS #

No booking

Comparison done – goes to Discrepancy Report, user intervention required to balance

Reserved booking – with CRS #


Dates/Timestamp compared – latest Timestamp; if in OPERA – booking will be sent to Holidex; or if in Holidex – booking will be requested send to OPERA


Reserved booking

Comparison done - latest Timestamp; if in OPERA – booking will be sent to Holidex; or if in Holidex – booking will be requested send to OPERA


No booking

No action

Reserved booking -

stay data does not match

CRS segment no matches

Reserved booking -

stay data does not match

CRS segment no matches

Dates/Timestamp compared – latest Timestamp; if in OPERA – booking will be sent to Holidex; or if in Holidex – booking will be requested send to OPERA

Reserved booking –

stay data does not match

CRS segment no is lower than in Holidex

Reserved booking –

stay data does not match

CRS segment no is higher than in OPERA

Dates/Timestamp compared – latest Timestamp; if in OPERA – booking will be sent to Holidex; or if in Holidex – booking will be requested send to OPERA

Reserved booking –

not linked to Group code

Group not in OPERA

Reserved booking –

linked to Group code

Group in Holidex

Comparison done – goes to Discrepancy Report, user intervention required

Reserved booking –

linked to Group code

Group in OPERA

Reserved booking –

not linked to Group code

Group in Holidex

Comparison done- goes to Discrepancy Report, user intervention required

In House –

Departure date is greater than current business date

No booking

(When any discrepancy is found) Shall be sent to Holidex*

In House –

Departure date is equal to current business date

No booking

(When any discrepancy is found) Shall be sent to Holidex*

In House –

Stay data does not match

Reserved booking

(When any discrepancy is found) Shall be sent to Holidex*

In House –

Stay data does match

Reserved booking –

Departure date is greater than OPERA

(When any discrepancy is found) Shall be sent to Holidex*

In House


(When any discrepancy is found) Shall be sent to Holidex.*

In House – (early check-out)

Guest did early check-out

Reserved booking –

Guest departure date is matching departure in OPERA PMS

(Although is discrepant after an checkout has been done in OPERA PMS. Departure date is the same.) Exception – to the In House upload rule. No upload will be sent, as both systems are correct.

Checked Out –

Stay data does not match

Reserved booking

AIB will send Reservation to Holidex. (If booking is not resolved on OPERA Checked Out date, then any AIB request after that business will still send an Update Message that will be status ‘FAILED’ and Holidex Error “ERR DATE” since it’s departure date is not past.

This means; to resolve the discrepancy will have to be manually done in Holidex PLUS system.)

Checked Out –

Stay data does match

Reserved booking

No action. (Inventory is in balance.)

Group Block -

No Reservations

No Group Block

AIB will do Full Upload to Holidex. (AIB Exceptions Report will record this action. There will be request to verify no duplication in the date range of the AIB request.)

No Group Block

Group Block-

No Reservations

AIB will do Full Compare and request download of Group. Block will be sent down to populate OPERA. (AIB Exceptions Report will record this action. There will be request to verify no duplication in the date range of the AIB request.)

*For any In House booking in OPERA, where a discrepancy is found, will always be uploaded to Holidex system. Even if the external system has the latest timestamp; as the timestamp for comparison is disregarded.

See Also