Block Cancellation Reasons
Use Block Cancellation Reasons Configuration>Reservations>Business Blocks>Block Cancellation Reasons) to create codes that specify why a business block was canceled. A business block cancellation reason is required when you change a business block's status to Cancelled.
Note: You create cancellation reason codes for individual reservations by selecting Reservations> Reservation Codes>Cancellation Reasons.
To create a block cancellation reason code, select System Configuration>Reservations>Business Blocks>Block Cancellation Reasons. The Block Cancellation Reasons screen appears.
The Block Cancellation Reasons screen lists the business block cancellation reasons that have already been configured.
From the Block Cancellation Reasons screen you can add new block cancellation reasons and edit existing reasons. To add a new cancellation reason, select the New button. To edit an existing block cancellation reason, highlight your choice and select the Edit button. The Block Cancellation Reasons - New or Block Cancellation Reasons - Edit screen appears.
Provide the following information:
Code. Enter the code that will identify the reason for the cancellation. (When editing an existing block cancellation reason, you cannot modify the code.)
Description. Enter a description for the code such as "Price Too High" or "Date Changed".
Display Seq. Enter a number that determines the position of the code in displays.
See Also