
Block Cutoff

Select Reservations > Blocks > Business Block > Options > Cutoff to manually cutoff all non-picked up rooms in this block, on or before, the date for the booking (the date when the booking room block will be released back into general inventory if not finalized). This option is visible when the Blocks > Cutoff application parameter is set to Y.

Cutting Off All Rooms Not Picked Up for a Room Block

In addition to allowing OPERA to automatically cutoff no-picked up rooms during the End of Day process, you can choose to release the room block at any time during any day. The process is identical to that in the End of Day process. You may have some room blocks that do not have an official release date. Instead, you would like to look at the picked up rooms each day and release the non-picked up rooms when it looks like no more reservations will materialize from the room block. There is no way to undo a cutoff without manually adding to the rooms back into the room block.

To cut off all rooms not picked up for a room block, find and highlight the appropriate Business Block in the Business Block Search screen list. Select the Options > Cutoff. OPERA displays the Confirmation message Are you sure you want to cut off all the rooms in this block? Yes/No. Select Yes to continue with the cutoff or No to discontinue the Block Cutoff action.

Business Block Cutoff Behavior

The following are examples of how the cutoff feature will behave in certain scenarios.

See Also