Block Data Processor
The Block Data Processor (Utilities > Processors > Block Data Processor) is a data collection processor used by S&C for populating production tables (i.e. ALLOTMENT_CHANGES_NET ).
If the processor is running (along with the Forecast Processor), then any changes made to a Business Block's Room Grid must be reflected correctly in table ALLOTMENT_CHANGES_NET.
For example, start the Forecast Processor (Utilities > Processors > Forecast Processor) and the Block Data Processor, then make changes to the grid. In this case, 5 rooms are added to room type TK on Day 1 and Day 2. Once the queue is processed by the Forecast and Block Data Processors, issue the following query:
"select * from allotment_changes_net where allotment_header_id = ?? and resort = ??"
The correct room nights and room revenue will display.
Note: OPERA v5.5.0.0+ has the functionality for managing processors across schemas (synonym). Users in one schema can access another schema and select Utilities > Processors and Start and Stop the desired processor, independent of OPERA v5.5.0.0+.
Started By. Displays the schema (OPERA version and property) for which the Block Data Processor is running.
Started On. Displays the date when the Block Data Processor was started.
Started At. Displays the time the Block Data Processor was started.
Status. Displays the status of the Block Data Processor, such as Waiting or Running.