
Business Rules for Group Reservation to-from Marsha

Complimentary reservations - If a complimentary reservation is created in PMS, it must contain the rate code (62CMPPAX).

The OXI conversion table for rate/block codes has to be configured in a way that the PMS rate code (62CMPPAX) converts into CRS mini hotel code (CMP).

New Group Single reservation

Similar to a New Transient reservation, the block code is seen in the RAT component of the PST section. This block code is added through the rate code conversion table.

Changes to a Group reservation by PMS

The upload message for changes to a group reservation is similar to the message for changes to a Transient Reservation. The only difference is that the block (mini-hotel) code always has to be part of the message uploaded.

Cancellation of a Group reservation by PMS

The CRR and the PMR components must always be sent in a reservation cancellation. The mini hotel code must be sent back in the RAT component.

All components are delivered with request code XX.

No Show of a Group Single reservation

When a reservation was turned into a No Show during the PMS night audit, OXI will process a NOSHOW type message where the returned request code in PST/ARS shows (CS) and the arrival status in PST/ARS is returned as (NS).

Reinstatement of a Group Single reservation

The message uploaded contains the relevant details as in a new reservation.  The ARS component shows the changed arrival status (RI).

Business Rules Group reservations from Marsha

New Group single reservation

For a new group reservation, the mini hotel code is located as block code in PMS. The status of the block must be Open for Pickup. In any other case, the reservation is rejected. Then the dates of the sent reservation are compared with the block dates. The availability check for a new block reservation is restricted to the house availability of the room type. In case that the room type sent is not allotted in the block, borrowing the room/s from the available allotted room types will create the reservation and a warning will be generated. If no rooms are available in the block or if the block has no grid details created and is not elastic, then the reservation will be forced into the PMS by taking the room from the house inventory with the removal of the block code and a warning will be generated by OXI. If the block is elastic, OXI will continue to pickup from this block even after it is sold out.

New Group Complimentary reservation

Changes to a group reservation by MARSHA

Cancellation of a group reservation by MARSHA