Cancel Reservations with Deposit from ORS
Reservations guaranteed by deposit in the PMS can now be viewed in the ORS system. When a reservation is booked in the PMS the information of the deposit is placed in a UDFN25 field of the database. The information in ORS will be under Deposit Received with the amount that was actually charged at the property level.
To control how the deposits are released at the property level, there is a parameter in OXI_RESERVATIONS group called DEPOSIT_RECEIVED_CANCEL_DELIVERY.
The settings are NORMAL and OFFLINE. Now that ORS can see the deposit in PMS, when a reservation is canceled, choosing a setting will affect all hotels that are linked to OXI-OPERA, OXI-V6 or OXI-V7 on a global scale.
NORMAL – when a reservation is canceled the cancel message is sent to the property via the primary delivery method. If the property is getting messages via the HTTP delivery as a primary then the cancel message will go and the reservation is subject to the cancellation rules.
OFFLINE – when a reservation is canceled the message will not go to the property via the primary delivery method. It will be delivered according to the property Fail-over setups. If the property has anyone of FAX, EMAIL or PRINT setup as a secondary method of delivery the cancel will be sent this way. This will allow the hotel to decide how the deposit should be handled when a cancellation is done.