Configuration - Budgets (cf_budgets with CFG2.FMX)
The Configuration report for Budgets will display the budgets that have been configured in the application for your property. The attached form allows for filtering on the defined budgets and for a specified items.
Budgets are configured in System Configuration > General > Budget Definition. This is based on the activation of the Application Setting in the General Group of BUDGETS.
Transaction Codes. Select to display transaction codes as the results for the report.
Market Codes. Select to display transaction codes as the results for the report.
Fiscal. Displays the results by Fiscal period.
Calendar. Displays the results by Calendar months.
Year. Single select drop down menu to select the year for the budgets.
Include Last Year. Select to include the year before the year that was selected in the Year field.
Show All Codes. Select to display all of the codes that have been configured for either the Transaction Codes or Market Codes that have been selected to be displayed.
Group By. Market Code, Month (When the Calendar option button is selected), Period (When the Fiscal option button is selected)