Change OEDS Oracle Schema Password
Since Oracle passwords must be changed every 90 days, we provide a utility to remotely change all Oracle passwords in the OEDS configuration files on all of your OEDS machines. In your Program Files\Micros Systems\OEDS\tools directory, locate the OedsChangeOraclePassword.exe and run it. The "Change Oracle Password" utility will open. On the utility, enter the below parameters and select Submit.
Machine Name. Enter the name of the OEDS machine.
OPERA Schema Password. Enter the password for connecting to the OPERA schema.
OXI Schema Password. Enter the password for connecting to the OXI schema.
Operating System Type. The operating system for the OEDS machine. Select the down arrow and choose either a 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system.
Note: If the selected operating system type is 32 bit, the application will look for the configuration files to update in the \\MachineName\c$\Program Files\Micros Systems\OEDS directory. If the selected operating system is 64 bit, it will look for the configuration files in the \\MachineName\c$\Program Files (x86)\Micros Systems\OEDS directory.
Submit. Select to update the Oracle passwords in all OEDS configuration files on the specified OEDS machine.