Complimentary Rooms
The Reservations>Blocks>Business Block>Rooms Revenue and Catering Revenue>Complimentary Rooms function allows you to specify the number of complimentary rooms, if any, that will be available for this Business Block. It also allows you to specify the value of the complimentary rooms and to include offset rooms (when available) for calculations.
The number of complimentary rooms can be a fixed number or a number pro-rated on how many rooms are booked. Moreover, this fixed or pro-rated number can be for the stay as a whole, or it can be based on the number of nights involved in the booking.
Select an option button to indicate the number of complimentary rooms to be given with this Business Block:
Fixed. If you select this button, enter the fixed number of complimentary rooms for the duration of the Business Block.
1 Per. If you select this button, enter the denominator of the ratio of complimentary rooms to booked rooms (for example, enter 100 if you are awarding 1 complimentary room for each 100 rooms booked).
Select an option button to indicate the temporal basis for computing the number of complimentary rooms:
Per Stay. The fixed or prorated number of complimentary rooms is for the entire duration of the Business Block.
Per Night. The fixed or prorated number of complimentary rooms is for each night of the Business Block.
Total Complimentary. This field will automatically display the total number of complimentary rooms for the booking based on your inputs.
Complimentary Value. Enter a value that reflects the value of the total number of complimentary rooms (for example, Average Rate x Total Complimentary).
Incl. Offsets. Displays when the Blocks>BUSINESS BLOCK OFFSETS function is set to Y and the user has the Blocks>BLOCK OFFSET EDIT permission granted. When an Offset Grid has been created for the block (Room Grid>Offsets), select the Offset Types you want calculated for complimentary rooms from the Incl. Offsets LOV. Complimentary rooms can be calculated on the number of rooms on the Main Room Grid and include some or all offset rooms. The complimentary rooms will then be calculated from the number of rooms on the Main Room Grid minus the number of rooms from the Offset Grid of the selected offset types. This is only valid when complimentary rooms are calculated based on x number of complimentary rooms per y number of rooms (per stay or per night).
In a room block that has three nights and has 100 standard rooms per night, an offset of 10 rooms per night for STAFF rooms has been applied for the same room type.
If the system does not include offsets in the calculation (no offsets created for the Main Room Grid or no offsets selected in the Incl. Offsets LOV, the result would be:
- When using 1 per 100 per stay = 3 complimentary rooms
- When using 1 per 100 per night = 3 complimentary rooms
If including offsets for STAFF offset type in the calculation, the results would be:
- When using 1 per 100 per stay = 2 complimentary rooms
(300 on the Main Room Grid - 30 offset = 270. The system always rounds down, so in this case, the complimentary rooms would only be calculated on 200 rooms).
- When using 1 per 100 per night = 0 complimentary rooms.
(100 on the Main Room Grid - 10 offset = 90. In this case, there are not enough rooms per night to qualify for any complimentary rooms )
See Also