Components And Dataflow of the OXI_HUB
Interface Components
- OXI_HUB will be installed on its own database server in a separate instance from ORS
- The OXI_HUB monitor and services will be installed on the OXI_HUB interface server
- The HTTP webserver is used as primary delivery method or in case MSMQ is primary, HTTP is still used as profile lookup mechanism. This can be installed on the interface server.
- The fax server for failover communication can be installed on the interface server as well
- In case MSMQ is the primary delivery method, this requires its own MSMQ server
Interface Communication
Communication between ORS and PMS takes place between HTTP listeners (Web Server). OXI_HUB runs on its own Oracle 9i database and is accessible from all network workstations depending on user rights.
Modules required for External OPERA PMS-ORS:
- Business Events in PMS and ORS
- Business Events Processor in PMS and ORS
- Forecast Processor in PMS and ORS
- IFC Monitor- shows the OPERA PMS properties communication status.
- OXI processors and services at the PMS location
Modules required for Suite 6/7 –ORS:
- Business Events in ORS
- Business Events Processor in ORS
- Triggers in PMS
- IFC Monitor- shows the V6/V7 PMS properties communication status.
- V3 PMS Interface - shows that the Interface Services and CRIS_FO are running at the PMS location
Data Flow Diagrams
Message Flow Overview
Messages flowing from PMS into ORS can be viewed in the Aqueue In log first. Afterwards they are processed to the Ext.System to ORS Log tab on the Message Status screen.
Messages flowing out of ORS via business events can be seen in the Business Events Log before passing on to ORS to Ext. System Log. Finally they are processed to the Aqueue Out. If any of the messages show FAIL in the ORS to Ext. System Log, the Queue Delivery methods can alternatively send messages through Print, Email, or Fax. (See Queue Setup)