Credit Card Rebates (creditcard_rebates with GEN1.FMX)
When the CASHIERING > CREDIT CARD REBATE VALIDATION application parameter is set to Y, then the Credit Card Rebates report displays credit card rebate overrides. The date, time, name of the credit card holder, folio number, credit card type, credit card number, amount, override (Y/N), and the cashier/user who entered the rebate are displayed on the report.
From Date. Type, or select the calendar button, to choose a beginning date of when the credit card rebate was posted.
To Date. Type, or select the calendar button, to choose the ending date of when the credit card rebate was posted.
Override Only. When selected, the report will display only overridden credit card rebates. When unselected, the report will display both the standard and overridden rebates.