DB Stay Export Data Definition (DB_STAY_DAY & DB_STAY_NIGHT)
The DB Stay Night Export can be automatically generated and transmitted to the application server during the End of Day procedure in OPERA. (Night Audit Export should be selected on the Export File Details setup form in order to run the export during End of Day processing.) The DB Stay Day Export can be manually run for any past date by selecting Miscellaneous>File Export>General or Configuration>External>Export Files.
Configuration and Setup Requirements
- OPP_EXP Export Files license is required.
- OPP_MEM Membership license is required.
- Revenue Buckets are setup in Configuration>Cashiering>Revenue Buckets>Bucket Type and Bucket Codes. The Revenue bucket type used for this export is DBSTAY and Buckets codes (Room, F&B, Banquet, Other) are attached this bucket type.
- Membership revenue rules are setup to calculate eligible revenue for the membership type defined in the parameter setting for DEFAULT_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE(in the PROFILES parameter group)
- The hotel loyalty Membership Type would be setup as the DEFAULT_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE(in the PROFILES parameter group).
The DB STAY export provides a breakout of the revenue buckets for the stay for all reservations checked out for a given date. The export first provides a summary record for each reservation checked out on a given date and then one row for each day of the stay/Billing screen window combination showing:
- Totals of each revenue bucket (Room, F&B, Banquet, Other) as configured for the property.
- Totals of membership-points-eligible revenue and membership- points-eligible nights for the stay as defined by the rules set up for the default membership type. (The default membership type is set by the Memberships>Default Membership Type application setting.)
File transfer can be completed via the OXI_HUB Interface, with an HTTP address that is set up for the export file via the Export File Details screen.
The file is located at:
Views Used by this Export
Pre Export Procedure
Explanation of the Procedure
This procedure populates the export view.
The procedure will retrieve all the checked out guests for the given date and calculate the required information.
1. DBSTAY_DETAIL : The Summary record
- One row for each guest checkout for the day.
- This will contain the totals for the revenue buckets for the stay,
- This will contain the totals eligible revenue and eligible nights for the stay.
2. DBSTAY_DAILY_DETAIL: The details records for each day of stay
- One row for each day of the stay per folio window.
- Even if no revenue exists for the day, there will be a row for the day with 0 revenue information.
- Revenue information will be calculated based on the revenue bucket setup. The revenue bucket totals will be total per day per folio window for each guest. The revenue buckets will be calculated as part of the export procedure and not picked up from the already calculated values in the EXPORT_BUCKET_AMOUNTS table.
- Membership eligible revenue will also be calculated in the export procedure, based on the membership type setup and will not use the already existing MEMBERSHIP_TRANSACTIONS table. For the membership type defined in the parameter for DEFAULT_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE.
- Membership eligible nights will also be calculated in the export procedure. For the membership type defined in the parameter for DEFAULT_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE.
Parameters Used for the Procedure
Post Export Procedure
exp_create_data.delete_report_table - Cleans up the data added by the pre-export procedure.
Parameter Form

Input Parameters
DB_STAY_DAY prompts for the date to run the export. Only past dates are valid.
DB_STAY_DAY & DB_STAY_NIGHT Export File Header and Detail Data
See the DB Stay Export File Header and Detail Data