Deleting an Account or Contact Profile
The only reason you would want to delete an account or contact is in the case of duplicate entries.
Note: Deleting an account or contact is not the same as inactivating an account or contact. First, when an account or contact is deleted, it will no longer be visible in OPERA. When searching for an account or contact, there is an option to include inactive records in the search. Second, in the table NAME that stores profile information internally, a column called INACTIVATE_DATE is populated when a profile is deleted, not inactivated. A column labeled ACTIVE_YN gets populated with N when the Active check box is un-selected.
If an account goes bankrupt or simply closes down you should make it Inactive. Do not delete the account or contact as this will also delete all historical data for this profile. You may find that only your supervisor has the rights to delete.
When deleting an account, you will be prompted if contacts, potentials or activities are linked to the account. If you select to proceed with the delete, the linked activities and potentials will also be deleted. The contact will not be deleted, but the relationship to the account will be deleted. If the account is linked to a business block, you will not be allowed to delete the account.
When deleting a contact, you will be prompted if activities are linked to the contact. If you select to proceed with the delete, the linked activities will also be deleted. If the contact is linked to a business block, you will not be allowed to delete the contact.
These are the instances where profiles will not be deleted. These rules apply for all profile types.
When deleting an account that has child records attached (e.g., Contacts, Activities or Potentials), the following message prompt displays:
The X indicates what type of child records exist for the account. When Yes is selected, the Account, Activities, and Potentials will be deleted. If Contacts is marked, the relationship between the Account and Contact will be deleted, but not the Contact. Select Yes to proceed, No to cancel the deletion of this account, or Cancel to exit without applying any changes.
See Also