Deposit Activity (deposit_activity with RES2.FMX)
The Deposit Activity Report is used by the Accounting Department to determine how much deposit payments have been received in the hotel for a particular date. You have the ability to print the report based on Activity Date, Arrival Date on the Reservation, and Posting Date. The report can also be filtered on Deposits Outstanding, Deposits Paid, Requests and Payments. Print this report separately, or as part of the Night Audit sequence during cutover to the OPERA PMS system to determine deposits for possible refund.
Note: When the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active, the Select Property screen appears prior to the RES2.FMX screen. Choose the property you want to view and select the OK button. The RES2.FMX screen appears.
Deposit Due Date. Select the check box to filter on a date range of when the deposit is due.
Arrival Date. Select the check box to filter on an Arrival Date range for reservations.
Posting Date. Select the check box to filter on a Date range that a deposit was posted to a reservation.
Note: The above filters are mutually exclusive of each other. This means that if you choose to filter on both Arrival Date and Posting Date, the report output does not look for a match of both Posting Date and Arrival Date; instead, it will return all reservations with a Posting Date during the date range OR an Arrival Date within the date range.
Cashier ID. A list of all Cashiers configured in OPERA. Select the cashier IDs to display the details about in the report. If the field is left blank, then details for all of the configured cashier IDs will be displayed on the report. If cashier ID’s are selected, the total and grand total displayed will be a representation of the cashiers selected.
Reservation Status. A list of values of Reservation Statuses. i.e. Checked In, Checked Out, Reserved.
Deposits Outstanding. Select this check box to display reservations having deposit requests outstanding, regardless of whether any deposit amounts have been posted.
Deposits Paid. Select this check box to display those reservations having deposit requests, all of which have been paid; no deposit amount remains due. When selected, the report will also include reservations where no request is present, however a deposit has been posted.
Requests. Select this check box to display reservations having deposit requests.
Payments. Select this check box to display reservations having deposit payments.
Details. If selected, the report will print each deposit request (with the information of Deposit Comment, Deposit Due Date, Deposit Received Date, Deposit Req., Paid Deposit, Due Amount) in a separate line underneath the reservation. If any payments have been made against the deposit we will list each payment in a separate line underneath the deposit requests (in italic font style). Payments that have not been made against a particular deposit request will be listed where the 'Dpst. Due Date' shows NONE and the 'Deposit Req.' column is empty.
Sort Order. Alphabetical (default), Room No., Confirmation No., Arrival Date, Last Payment Date, Last Due Date.
The Sort Order option determines the order in which the reservations are displayed on the report. It does NOT have any impact on the order in which the individual deposit requests and/or deposit payments are displayed underneath each reservation.
Also, the Sort Order does NOT determine whether or not any deposit payments or requests are displayed underneath each reservation. That is only determined by the Details check box found in the Display frame of the parameter form.
Note: The Source column will be displayed only when the Profiles>Source application function is set to Y.
Room No. Room number of the reservation.
Name. Name of the guest.
Block Code. If the reservation is part of a block, this is the Block Code the reservation is attached to.
Company. The Company Profile that is attached to the reservation. This will display a C and then the Company Profile Name.
Travel Agent. The Travel Agent Profile that is attached to the reservation. This will display a T and then the Travel Agent Profile Name.
Source. The Source Profile that is attached to the reservation. This will display a S and then the Source Profile Name.
Conf. No. Confirmation number for the reservation.
Rate Code. Rate code attached to the reservation.
Rate Amount. Rate amount attached to the reservation.
Room Type. Room type assigned to the reservation.
Arr. Date. Arrival date for the reservation.
Dep. Date. Departure date of the reservation.
Resv. Status. Status of the reservation.
Pay Mth. Payment method attached to the reservation.
Total Requested. Total deposit amount requested for the reservation.
Total Paid. Total amount paid by the guest on the deposit.
Total Due. Total amount still due on the deposit.
Deposit Comment. Comment attached to the deposit rule that applies to the reservation.
Receipt No. Receipt number attached to any payments made towards the deposit due amount.
Dpst. Due Date. Date in which the full deposit must be paid.
Dpst. Recvd. Date. Date in which the full deposit payment was received for the reservation.
Dep. Pay Mtd. Payment method used for the payment of the deposit amount.
Requested. Deposit amount that was requested to be paid based on the configuration of the Deposit Rule that is attached to the reservation.
Paid. The amount that was paid by the guest when a payment was requested based on the configuration of the Deposit Rule attached to the reservation.