Discount Reasons
Reservation Discounts functionality is available when the Reservations>Reservation Discounts application function is set to Y.
Discount reasons designate why a discount was given to a reservation and can be set up at Configuration>Reservations>Codes>Discount Reasons. For example, members of your Frequent Stay program receive a 10% discount off the rack rate; purchaser qualifies for this discounted non-refundable rate because of a willingness to pay in full for a specified number of days prior to arrival; a discount rate negotiated with a company or special customer; a special rate that is sometimes available to all business travelers; discount for family members who are traveling together.
You can quote discounts on room rates that are deducted directly from the reserved price. In case a discount was entered, be it either an amount or a percentage, the system requires that you provide a discount reason. You can also enter discount reasons without an amount or percentage on the reservation.
Code. Code assigned to a discount reason.
Description. Discount reason explanation (agent error, walked guest, repeat guest, management decision).
Code. Code you want to assign to a discount reason (ERR, WALK, RG, MGMT).
Description. Discount reason explanation (agent error, walked guest, repeat guest, management decision).
Sequence. Order of succession for items to appear in a list by assigning them a numeric value.
See Also