Editing A Business Block Reservation
Apply These Changes To Screen
If you make changes to any of the features that can be propagated to other group reservations and select OK to exit the reservation, OPERA displays the Apply These Changes To screen.
This screen will not appear in situations where your action does not result in changes to the reservation. For example, when you combine reservations into a share there might not be any resulting changes to the individual reservations and the screen would not display. However, if creating the share means that a deposit or cancellation rule is added to the reservations from the Deposit/Cancellation schedule, or if there is already a deposit or cancellation rule on one of the reservations and by combining the reservation into a share the rule stipulates a different deposit amount or cancellation penalty, the screen would continue to display.
The dates of the PM reservation can be extended without changing the dates of the business block. If the PM reservation dates are changed to fall outside the block dates, you will not be prompted to change the dates of the business block, nor will you be prompted to apply the date changes (or any other changes made to the PM reservation) to other reservations in the block.
Select the correct option for making changes to the group reservations and select the OK button to apply the changes.
Note: On the Component Groups screen with existing reservations displayed, if a user modifies one of the reservations, depending on the selection made on the Apply These Changes To screen, the change will apply to those reservations displayed in consideration of the filter selection With Block/Without Block.
- This Guest Only. If the change should only apply to the guest, choose this option.
All Guests in the Group. If you want the changes to affect the entire group, choose this option. This refers to the Block Code and not to the Group Profile attached to the reservations. When fixed charges, packages, and/or routing instructions have been setup and the begin and end dates for these have been left empty, when selecting the apply to All Guests in the Group the system adjusts accordingly and applies to all the reservations within the group. But when removing a fixed charge, package, and/or routing instruction from one and applying this to all of the reservations in the group, the system looks at the exact dates to remove the items. For example, if the items are being removed from a reservation with the dates 01/09-01/11, when the apply occurs, it will only remove the items from the reservations whose dates are 01/09-01/11. This option is available only to users who have been granted the BLOCKS > APPLY CHANGES TO ALL GUESTS IN GROUP permission.
When the rate amount for a rate code applied to a group is changed, all reservations within the group have their rate changed based on their individual rate code and room type. However, when a rate amount is changed manually for a group reservation, the Fixed Rate check box is automatically selected and the All Guests in the Group option is selected, another prompt is displayed asking "Rate was manually changed. Would you like this change to apply to all group members regardless of room type?" Selecting Yes will apply the rate change to all of the guests and selecting No will only apply the rate change to the reservations that have the same rate code in the group.
The rate code attached to a reservation will not be changed if an advance bill has been posted for the reservation. The rate code attached to a reservation will not be changed if the rate code includes a package with an allowance and part or all of the allowance has been consumed.
If the stay period is changed on the original reservation in any way (arrival / departure nights), and if this change is applied to other reservations in the block, OPERA applies this change only to those reservations that have the same arrival date and departure date as the original reservation prior to the change.
When changing a block code on block reservations, the update is only applied to reservations with the same arrival, departure, and length of stay values.
When a reservation that is moved from block A to block B has its dates beyond the new block start and end dates, this message appears: 'This reservation is outside the block dates. Do you want to adjust the block dates to accommodate this reservation?' This only applies if block B is elastic.
1. Create 2 blocks:
- Block1- arrival=01-MAY-2014, 3 nights, Block Code '1AA'
- Block2- arrival=10-MAY-2014, 3 nights, Block Code '1BB'
2. Add reservations to block code 1AA, multiple reservations with both same and different arrival dates:
- RES1 05/01/14 – 05/04/14
- RES2 05/02/14 – 05/04/14
- RES3 05/01/14 – 05/04/14
- RES4 05/01/14 – 05/02/14
- RES5 05/01/14 – 05/04/14
3. Edit reservation RES1 on 1AA: delete the block code, change the arrival date to 12-MAY-2014, and change the block code to 1BB. Make changes to all reservations with the same arrival date. All reservations with the same arrival and departure dates (RES3 and RES5) are updated with the new dates, block code, and rate.
- Selected Guests. This option allows you to choose which guests you want to apply the change to by using a list of group reservations. This option is useful, for example, if you want to increase the rates for all group members arriving the weekend of a special event but not for others, or to apply the change only to non-sharing guests, to sharing guests, to guests with same room type, etc.
- Only Guests with Same Arrival Date. Select this option to apply changes to all guests having the same arrival date as the reservation to which the change was directly made.
- All Checked In Guests. If the change applies to all guests with a current status of Checked In, choose this option.
- Guests In House Between <date> and <date>. Select this option to apply changes to guests arriving between the selected date range.
Note: The Apply These Changes To screen will be displayed whenever you make a change to any of the group members, record or change a message, add a trace or action trace or use any of the other Group menu options to modify a given group reservation.
Note: When editing an existing reservation comment or alert and applying it to members of a group, OPERA will make the modification to those designated reservations that had the original comment or alert only. However, when adding a new comment or alert and applying it to members of the group, the new comment or alert will be added to all designated reservations, regardless of whether the reservation already has comments or alerts attached.
Changes to group members will only be made to those records where the original information of the field exactly matches the original information in the record that was changed. Some examples have been provided to help you better understand how these criteria selections will work.
Example 1: You change the rate code of one group member from GRP 1 to CORP1 and then apply the changes to Only Non-Sharing Guests. OPERA will check each group member that does not have a sharer number and has the rate code GRP 1 and change it to CORP1. Those group members that have either a sharer number or a different rate code will be ignored.
The principle described above is applied in all cases. As you can imagine the examples are endless if multiple modifications are made at the same time. The rules are exactly the same.
Example 2: When the user selects the option Selected Guests, OPERA will display a list of all the group members that would be eligible for at least one of the modifications. For instance, you picked a group member and you changed the member’s Reservation Type from 1 to 4, and at the same time modified the Rate Code from GROUP1 to GROUPBB. Then you selected Selected Guests. OPERA displays a list of the group members that either had a Reservation Type of 1 or a Rate Code of GR.
OPERA will only apply changes to those group records where the original information in the field exactly matches the original information of the record that was changed.
Example 3: Of a group with ten guests, five group members have the rate code RACK and the other five have the rate code GRP SPEC. You modify one of the RACK reservations by changing the rate code to CORP. If you select to apply this change to the entire group, OPERA will update the five reservations with the RACK rate code to CORP and will not change the remaining five.
Example 4: If you carry out changes to fields that influence the availability, such as rate, room type or arrival and departure dates, OPERA will only let you update the entire group if there are enough rooms available. For share reservations and changes influencing availability, OPERA will first display the message Change other sharing guests as well? and then display the standard Apply Changes screen. Be careful not to contradict your own choices, such as answering No to the prompt Change other sharing guests as well? and then selecting Yes to Change all members of the group?
Example 5: On the Component Groups screen, if only the With Block check box is checked and one of the reservations is modified, and on the Apply These Changes To screen, the All Guests in the Group option is selected, the change will apply to all reservations displayed if they have a block code attached.
Applying Changes After Modifying a Block Reservation
If any of the following attributes was changed then the new value will be applied to all other reservations that matches the option selected (i.e. All Guest, Selected Guest, Checked In Guest, or Guest In house between select date)
- Turndown Y/N Flag
- Messages
- Traces
- Alerts
If any of the following attributes was changed then the new value will be applied to all other reservations that matches the option selected AND the value of the attribute is the same (i.e. the value of the attribute on the reservation to be updated is equal to the original value prior to change being made). Date dependent attributes (e.g., adults, children, etc.) will only change on days >= Business Date
- Arrival Date
- Departure Date
- Nights
- Block ID (allotment_header_ id)
- Adult
- Children
- Cribs
- Extra Beds
- Origin of Booking
- Market Code
- Number of Rooms
- Display Color
- Reservation Type
- Channel
- Payment Method
- Credit Card Number
- Credit Card Type
- Credit Card Expiry Date
- Auth Rule (approval_amount_calc_method). This will be applied to reservations with the same payment method as the original reservation
- Auth Rule Amount/Percent (amount_percent). This will be applied to reservations with the same payment method as the original reservation
- Group
- Company
- Travel Agent
- Source
- Commission Paid Out To Flag
- Reservation Contact
- Billing Contact
- Confirmation Letter ID
- Room Features
- Posting Allowed Y/N Flag
- Print Rate Y/N Flag
- Authorized Billing Y/N Flag
- Travel Agent Record Locator
- Comments
- Schedule Checkout Y/N Flag
- Name Tax Type
- Tax Exempt Number
- Arrival Transportation Y/N Flag
- Arrival Time
- Arrival Transportation Type
- Arrival Transport Code
- Arrival Station Code
- Arrival Carrier Code
- Arrival Comments
- Departure Transportation Y/N Flag
- Departure Time
- Departure Transportation Type
- Departure Transport Code
- Departure Station Code
- Departure Carrier Code
- Departure Comments
- User Defined fields (Char 1-40, Date 1-20, and Number 1 – 40)
- Purpose of Stay
- Room Instructions
- Packages. Changes will only be applied if all products attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same (i.e., all attributes of each package must be equivalent) as the products attached to the other reservation prior to change being made. The Apply These Changes To prompt will appear for changes to attributes of the package, including allowances and price. See Packages screen for details.
Assume a 15.00 per night package with no begin or end date is attached to a business block. The package is automatically attached to the PM and all guest reservations for the block. If the package price is changed on the PM to 10.00, upon saving you will be prompted to specify how you want to apply the change. When applying the change to All Guests in the Group, the price will be changed to 10.00 for all reservations.
- Specials. Changes will only be applied if all specials attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same (i.e., all attributes of each special must be equivalent) as the specials attached to the other reservation prior to changes being made.
- Routings. Changes will only be applied if all routing instructions attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same (i.e., All attributes of each routing must be equivalent) as the routing instructions attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Fixed Charges. Changes will only be applied if all Fixed Charges attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same (i.e., All attributes of each routing must be equivalent) as the Fixed Charges attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Deposit/Cancellation Rules. Changes will only be applied if all Deposit/Cancellation Rules attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same as the rules attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Preferences. Changes will only be applied if all preferences attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same as the preferences attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Window Payment Methods. Changes will only be applied if all Window Payments attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same as the Window Payments attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
If any of the following attributes was changed, then the new value will be applied to all other reservations that match the option selected AND either:
- The value of the attribute is the same
- The user chose ‘Yes’ to the ‘Room type was manually changed. Would you like this change to apply to all group members regardless of room type? Note: Selecting 'No' will apply the change to reservations for ^1 Room Type only.’ Prompt
- Room Category.
- Booked Room Category. This will only change if the original booked room type is not a PM Room type and the reservation to be updated has a status of either ‘RESERVED’ or ‘PROSPECT’.
If any of the following attributes was changed, then the new value will be applied to all other reservations that match the option selected AND either:
- The value of the attribute is the same AND value for Room Category is the same
- The user chose ‘Yes’ to the ‘Room type was manually changed. Would you like this change to apply to all group members regardless of room type? Note: Selecting 'No' will apply the change to reservations for ^1 Room Type only.’ Prompt
- Rate Code.
- Fixed Rate Y/N Flag
Information Carried Over to New Reservations Attached to a Block
Regardless of the path, when creating a new block reservation, the following attributes will always be copied from the block:
If the path used to create the new block reservation is from inside the block module (i.e. New button on GRRSLIST) then the following attributes will be copied from the reservation highlighted on the GRRSLIST screen if the reservation has a status = ‘CHECKED IN’, ‘RESERVED’, or ‘PROSPECT’. If highlighted reservation has any other status (‘CHECKED OUT’, ‘CANCELLED’, or ‘NO SHOW’) then the attribute from the PM reservation will be used.
- Display color
- Arrival Transportation Y/N Flag
- Arrival Time
- Arrival Transportation Type
- Arrival Transport Code
- Arrival Station Code
- Arrival Carrier Code
- Arrival Comments
- Departure Transportation Y/N Flag
- Departure Time
- Departure Transportation Type
- Departure Transport Code
- Departure Station Code
- Departure Carrier Code
- Departure Comments
- Fixed Charges
- Preferences
- Promotions
- Inventory Items
- Features
- Reservation Contact
- Billing Contact
- Channel
- Posting allowed Y/N Flag
- Print Rate Y/N Flag
- Name Tax Type
- Purpose of Stay
- User Defined fields (Char 1-40, Date 1-20, and Number 1 – 40)
- Auth Rule (approval_amount_calc_method)
- Auth Rule Amount/Percent (amount_percent)
- Specials
- Deposit/Cancelation Rules
- Payment Method (and credit card information if applicable) for all windows
- Routing Instructions. Room Routing Instructions will not be copied if the routing is to a reservation not in a status of either ‘CHECKED IN’, ‘RESERVED’, or ‘PROSPECT’. If the parent reservation has window routing that is routed to itself (i.e. routed to its own guest profile), then the new reservation will be created with a window routing to itself.
- Comments. If there are no comments on the parent reservation then, Reservation Notes attached to the block will be copied to the new reservation.
- Packages. If there are Packages attached to the parent reservation, then packages that have dates that overlap with the stay dates of the new reservation will be copied to the new reservation. If there are no packages attached to the parent reservation, then packages attached to the block will be copied to the new reservation.
If the path used to create the new block reservation is not from within the block module (e.g., Reservation > New Reservation > Rate Query > Select Block ID) then
A. The following attributes will always be copied from the block:
- Channel
- Print Rate Y/N Flag
- Packages
- Payment Method. Payment method will not be copied if the new reservation is being created by calling the Reservation screen from the Rate Query screen, e.g., F5 > Rate Query or ‘RESERVATION FLOW in (‘CALENDAR/GRID’ , ‘ROOM PLAN/GRID’, ‘RATE QUERY)
- Reservation Contact. If RESERVATION_CONTACT parameter = ‘Y’ then Contact (or Agent Contact) attached to the block is copied
- Billing Contact. If RESERVATION_CONTACT parameter = ‘Y’ then Contact (or Agent Contact) attached to the block is copied
B. The following attributes will always be copied from the PM reservation:
If the path used to create the new block reservation is Rooming List Option (i.e. GRRMLIST) then the following attributes will be copied from the reservation highlighted on the GRRSLIST screen:
If any of the following attributes was changed then the new value will be applied to all other reservations that match the option selected (i.e. All Guest, Selected Guest, Checked In Guest, or Guest In House between select date)
- Turndown Y/N Flag
- Messages
- Traces
- Alerts
If any of the following attributes was changed then the new value will be applied to all other reservations that matches the option selected AND the value of the attribute is the same (i.e. the value of the attribute on the reservation to be updated is equal to the original value prior to change being made). Date dependent attributes (e.g., adults, children, etc.) will only change on days >= Business Date
- Arrival Date
- Departure Date
- Nights
- Block ID (allotment_header_ id)
- Adult
- Children
- Cribs
- Extra Beds
- Origin of Booking
- Market Code
- Number of Rooms
- Display Color
- Reservation Type
- Channel
- Payment Method
- Credit Card Number
- Credit Card Type
- Credit Card Expiry Date
- Auth Rule (approval_amount_calc_method). This will be applied to reservations with the same payment method as the original reservation
- Auth Rule Amount/Percent (amount_percent). This will be applied to reservations with the same payment method as the original reservation
- Group
- Company
- Travel Agent
- Source
- Commission Paid Out To Flag
- Reservation Contact
- Billing Contact
- Confirmation Letter ID
- Room Features
- Posting Allowed Y/N Flag
- Print Rate Y/N Flag
- Authorized Billing Y/N Flag
- Travel Agent Record Locator
- Comments
- Schedule Checkout Y/N Flag
- Name Tax Type
- Tax Exempt Number
- Arrival Transportation Y/N Flag
- Arrival Time
- Arrival Transportation Type
- Arrival Transport Code
- Arrival Station Code
- Arrival Carrier Code
- Arrival Comments
- Departure Transportation Y/N Flag
- Departure Time
- Departure Transportation Type
- Departure Transport Code
- Departure Station Code
- Departure Carrier Code
- Departure Comments
- User Defined fields (Char 1-40, Date 1-20, and Number 1 – 40)
- Purpose of Stay
- Room Instructions
- Packages. Changes will only be applied if all products attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same (i.e. All attributes of each package must be equivalent) as the products attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Specials. Changes will only be applied if all specials attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same (i.e. All attributes of each special must be equivalent) as the specials attached to the other reservation prior to changes being made.
- Routings. Changes will only be applied if all routing instructions attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same (i.e. All attributes of each routing must be equivalent) as the routing instructions attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Fixed Charges. Changes will only be applied if all Fixed Charges attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same (i.e. All attributes of each routing must be equivalent) as the Fixed Charges attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Deposit/Cancellation Rules. Changes will only be applied if all Deposit/Cancellation Rules attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same as the rules attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Preferences. Changes will only be applied if all preferences attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same as the preferences attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
- Window Payment Methods. Changes will only be applied if all Window Payments attached to the reservation to be updated are exactly the same as the Window Payments attached to the other reservation prior to change being made.
If any of the following attributes was changed then the new value will be applied to all other reservations that match the option selected AND either:
A. The value of the attribute is the same.
B. The user chose ‘Yes’ to the ‘Room type was manually changed. Would you like this change to apply to all group members regardless of room type? Note: Selecting 'No' will apply the change to reservations for ^1 Room Type only.’ Prompt.
- Room Category.
- Booked Room Category. This will only change if the original booked room type is not a PM Room type and the reservation to be updated has a status of either ‘RESERVED’ or ‘PROSPECT’.
If any of the following attributes was changed then the new value will be applied to all other reservations that match the option selected AND either:
A. The value of the attribute is the same AND value for Room Category is the same.
B. The user chose ‘Yes’ to the ‘Room type was manually changed. Would you like this change to apply to all group members regardless of room type? Note: Selecting 'No' will apply the change to reservations for ^1 Room Type only.’ Prompt.
- Rate Code
- Fixed Rate Y/N Flag