Effective Package Allowance TB (effpkgallowance_tb with GENREPPAR.FMX)
The Effective Allowance TB report provides a summarized list of all packages for which the package wrapper has been posted for the current/past business date while the reservation is/was in-house. It provides a detailed breakdown of all package charges, including the allowance balance derived from the actual package debits and credits, grouped by reservation. Package credits and debits are summed for each reservation and a balance is shown. Package credits and debits are then summed for the entire report to show grand totals along with a grand balance. The report output does not include any room revenue package postings.
The grand balance generated by this report can be matched with the balance for the current date in the Package Ledger section of the Trial Balance report. It is ecommended that this report be included as part of the End of Day reports in order to compare it with the Trial Balance report.
Report details are divided by reservation. For each reservation the report shows the reservation name, room, reservation status, number of adults and number of children. Report columns include the following:
Code. Transaction code.
Description. Transaction code description.
Date. Date of the transaction.
Cashier. Cashier ID of cashier posting the transaction.
Package. Package code for the package elements.
Remark. Any remarks associated with the transaction.
Credit. Package credits.
Debit. Package debits.
Allowance. Package allowance.
User. Logged in user posting the transaction.
Each reservation is summarized as follows:
Total. Total package credits and debits for the reservation.
Balance. Difference between total package credits and total package debits for the reservation.
Data for all reservations included in the report is summarized as follows:
Grand Total. Total package credits and debits for all reservations in the report.
Grand Balance. Difference between total package credits and total package debits for all reservations in the report.