INCOME AUDIT - Activate the function to the close of business to take place at another time other than during the middle of the night.
ARRIVALS WITH DEPOSIT BALANCE CHECK - When activated, an additional check for Arrivals with Deposit Balance is added to the Night Audit process prior to the Arrival not yet Checked in, the Night Audit will stop if there are any such Arrivals identified and cannot be continued unless all these Reservations are checked in or their Deposit Balance is zero.
AUDIT - During the Night Audit, Force the Validation of Transaction Code Totals.
AUTO CHECK NUMBER - Automatically assign a check number to the room and tax posting as well as the fixed charges.
AUTO CLOSE CASHIERS - Automatically Close All Cashiers that have not been closed.
AUTO CONTINUE - Automatically continue Night Audit without asking the user to continue after every process.
AUTO NOSHOW ARRIVALS - Automatically No Show Reservations that are due to arrive.
EXCLUDE CHECKED IN RESERVATIONS FROM STAY PROJECTIONS - When set to 'Y' checked in reservations will not be considered for stay projections, this may increase end of day speed, when stay projections are not required and many reservations in house are checked in for long length of stay.