ALTERNATE NAME Application Setting
Group. General |
Type. Function |
Application. PMS S&C ORS (Global) |
Description. Provides the ability to record an alternate (native) name, title, and salutation for each profile using the national character set. Users are able to search for profiles using either the English or native name values. The alternate (native) name will also be displayed within search grids and can be shown on customizable items via merge codes within the address format configuration.
Internal Name. EXTENDED_BYTE
Property Determination.
Activation / Inactivation Rules. |
<none> |
Available Values. |
Y (Yes) N (No) |
Add On Licenses/Country Specifics. |
<none> |
Other Application Settings. |
ALTERNATE NAME LANGUAGE application setting |
Affected Areas
Menus / Screens / Fields. |
Alt. Name field available on: Reservations>Update Reservations>Search Reservations>Profiles>Profile Search Reservations>Profiles>New Reservations>Confirmation Front Desk>Arrivals>Search Front Desk>In House>Search Front Desk>Room Assignment Front Desk>Messages Cashiering>Billing Cashiering>Cashier Functions>Deposit/Cancellation Cashiering>Cashier Functions>Receipt History Ctrl+F7 AR>Account Maintenance Keys screen Front Desk>Wake Up Calls A PostInquiry from the vendor for an AR account will return the GuestName = to the Alternate Name if one exists. This will display the Alternate Name on the vendor’s POS terminal. |
Reports & Report Forms. |
Res_detail Gibyroom Gibygroup Grprmlist Grpinhousebyroom giratevariance Sp_forecast Departure_all Member Hsk_tasksheet_2- 3, 6- 9 OPERA Simple Reports (Native First Name, Native Full Name, Native Name, Native Salutation, Native Title, etc.) |
Permissions. |
<none> |
Other Areas. |
Merge codes available in customizable reports. Merge codes available in screen painting. |