
Inter Hotel Account Transactions (fininterhotel with CAS5.FMX)

This report is available when the OPP_MHT3 Opera Property Management Multi-Property (Cross Revenue) license is set to Y.

Selection Criteria

Date Range

From Date. Manually enter, or select the calendar button to choose, the starting date for the results that are to display on the report.

To Date. Manually enter, or select the calendar button to choose, the ending date for the results that are to display on the report.


Property. Single select LOV to choose the specific property that the inter-hotel transactions were made to or from.

Owed To Other Property. Transactions that were made from your property to the other property.

Owed From Other Property. Transactions that were made from the other property to your property.

Payments Only/Reconciled Only.

Payments Only. When the transaction was made from your property to another property and the Owed To Other Property is selected, then select the Payments Only check box to display only the payments that have been made from your property to the other property.

Reconciled Only. When the transaction was made from another property to your property and the Owed From Other Property is selected, then select the Reconciled Only check box to display on the payments that have been made to your property from the other property.


Supplement. Select to display the supplement for what the transaction was for.

Reference. Select to display the reference for the transaction.

Sort Order. Alphabetical, Confirmation Number, Transaction Date.