
Journal by Cashier and Article Code (finjrnl_articles with CAS13.FMX)

The Configuration report for Articles is available if the CASHIERING > ARTICLES application function is set to Y.

The Journal by Cashier and Article Code will display one line for each posted Article for the selected date. Similar to other financial reports, this allows you to see when, to whom and who posted an Article to a Reservation or an AR Account.

Articles allow a property to post certain items to a guest folio in such a way that they appear to have come from a single transaction code. A typical example would be the items in a mini bar. One mini bar transaction code would be configured, however, instead of posting a lump sum to one transaction code you can post the breakdown of that total. Instead of posting 10.00 to mini bar, you can enter 2.00 to Orange Juice, 2.00 to Coca-Cola, 2.50 to Potato Chips and 3.50 to Nuts.

Selection Criteria


Room Class. A list of all Room Classes configured for your Property. Default is ‘All’ Room Classes. The filter is only displayed if the application function ‘ROOM CLASS’ is active for your Property.

Transaction Code. A list of all Transaction Codes configured for your Property.

Note: The CASHIERING > VIEW CASH TRANSACTIONS ON REPORTS permission must be granted in order to select transaction codes configured for cash payment types.

Article Code. A list of all Article Codes configured for your Property.

Room. A list of all Rooms configured for your Property.

Cashier. A list of all Cashiers configured.

Group By. Transaction (default), Room, Article. The report will Group all postings by the selection.

Sort Order. Chronological (default), Article, Room, Transaction. The report will sort the postings in the selected order, within the Group By option.


Revenue. When printing 'Gross' the inclusive tax transactions will not be printed as separate lines. When printing ‘Net’ the inclusive tax transaction codes will be printed on a separate line.

Report Output

In the Name and Room No. columns, Passer appears for Passerby transactions. (Available when the CASHIERING > PASSERBY application function is set to Y.) Post It appears in the Name and Room No columns for Post It transactions. (Available when the CASHIERING > POST IT application parameter is set to Y.)

Date. Date the transaction took place in the short date format defined for this property.

Time. Time when the transaction occurred.

Room No. Room number that the transaction was debited/credited for.

Name. Name of the guest responsible for the transaction posting.

Article Code. Article code used for the posting.

UPC. The article's UPC code.

Description. Description of the article.

Check No. This field is auto-filled with a check number by the End of Day process if the End of Day>Auto Check Number application parameter is set to Y. It also shows the check number for transactions entered by a POS.

Quantity. The number of articles sold. The subtotal amount per article displays in the Article Total row. The total amount of the sold articles displays in the Grand Total row.

Debit. Amount of debit to the guest's account.

Credit. Amount of credit to the guest's account.

Currency. The currency code for the currency that was used for the transaction.

Cash ID. Cashier ID number of the cashier who posted this transaction.

User Name. User name of the person who was logged in that completed the posting.

Supplement/Reference/Credit Card No. Column displays any information that has been entered into the Supplement and Reference fields and if a credit card was used for the transaction, then the credit card number is displayed here also.