
Folio Detail

From the Commission Processing screen, highlight a commission detail record from the lower grid. Then select the Folio Detail button from the Options menu to view the  folio details for the stay. When you are working with the commissions Register screen (Commissions>Payment Activity) this screen is also accessible; select the Folio Detail button from the Guest Detail screen Options menu.

Note: When an active OXI interface is present, FOLIO details such as revenue type, currency code, and amount by folio window are included in OXI STAY messages.

The Folio Detail screen shows all the transactions related to the guest stay represented by the highlighted commission detail record. Commissionable items are marked with an X in the C column. The folio total, prepaid commission, and commissionable total are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

C. An X in this column indicates the transaction is commissionable (as defined by the commission code attached to the travel agent or source profile).

Trn. Date. Date the transaction was posted.

Trn. Code. Transaction code.

Rate Code. Rate code associated with the reservation.

Description. Description of the transaction.

Amount. Amount of the transaction.

Currency. Currency in which the transactions are displayed.

Supplement. Comment regarding the transaction.

Reference. Reference number or other information regarding the transaction.

Fields in the lower part of the screen show the following:

Folio Total. Total amount of transactions incurred by the guest listed in the folio.

Prepaid Comm. Total amount of commissions already paid to the agent.

Commissionable. Total amount of commissionable revenue from this stay. The transactions that make up this amount are marked in the folio with an X along the left column of the display.

Non Commissionable. Total amount of non-commissionable revenue from this stay.