Detailed Folio (folio_details with FOL1.FMX)
This report shows all amounts posted to a guest folio for the specified date as well as a summary of all folios generated.
The report selects from the following tables/views:
TRX$_CODES (transaction code configuration)
Driving table is FOLIO_TAX. FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS is joined to FOLIO_TAX through bill_no, folio_no and folio_type. It only selects columns from FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS where either guest_account_debit, guest_account_credit, dep_led_debit or dep_led_credit is not null.
From Date. Manually enter, or select the Calendar button to choose, the beginning date for the date range used in the results of the report.
To Date. Manually enter, or select the Calendar button to choose, the ending date for the date range used in the results of the report.
Folio Type. The option only displays if at least one of the CASHIERING>FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING application parameter or CASHIERING>CREDIT BILL application parameters is set to Y.
Note: The CASHIERING>VIEW CASH TRANSACTIONS ON REPORTS permission must be granted in order to include information for transaction codes configured for cash payment types.
Note: The report excludes transactions that have a 0 (zero) Credit or Debit value, and transactions for which both Credit and Debit are null.