
Folio Tax - Style 02 (foliotax_02 with FOL1.FMX)

The intent is to display the breakdown of VAT Tax that was posted on each reservation for a specified date range. The report will NOT refer to the CASHIERING > REPORTS TAX BUCKETS application setting. If there are net/ tax amounts in all the 20 buckets then report will include all the 1-20 tax and net buckets irrespective of what is selected in the setting. It will not include the net / tax groups for which values do not exist. This report extends based on the tax buckets that actually hold the values therefore does not refer to the setting.

The report selects from the following tables/views:

FOL1.FMX Selection Criteria

Date Range

From Date. Manually enter, or select the Calendar button to choose, the beginning date for the date range used in the results of the report.

To Date. Manually enter, or select the Calendar button to choose, the ending date for the date range used in the results of the report.

Status. Select All, Not Void, or Void.

Fiscal. Select All, Non-Fiscal Invoices, or Fiscal Invoices. This option only shows when the CASHIERING > FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING application setting is set to Y.

Folio Type. Allows to select 'All' or any of the folio types set up in folio$_type table for that property. This option only shows when either CASHIERING > FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING or CASHIERING > CREDIT BILL application settings are set to Y.