Folio Tax Revenue (foliotax_revenue with FOL2.FMX)
Use this report to display the total of all charges posted to a guest on a particular date. If charges were routed and paid for by another guest, the other guest’s total will reflect these charges. You have the ability to include each individual bill amount, or simply the total charged.
Minimum Revenue. Enter the minimum amount of total revenue charged.
Include Bill Amounts. If checked, the output displays each bill number and the corresponding amount that will equal to the total charges for that guest.
Country. Select to filter on a particular country that is attached to a profile. You can select All Countries or one particular country.
Include Null Values. Display those guests whose total charges are zero. This would occur on an adjusted folio.
Sort Order. Alphabetical, Identification Number.
Note: When the Passport/ID Number View permission is not granted to the user, then the Passport/ID Number will be masked with Xs except for the last two numbers.