Generic Business Rules for OPERA PMS from Pegasus
This topic contains the following generic business rules for OPERA PMS from CRS - Pegasus Only:
Restrictions Handling – Originating in CRS
- Restrictions are only coming from Pegasus CRS and they do not get sent back.
- ARRIVAL – Open and Closed for Arrival
- DEPARTURE – Open and Closed for Arrival
- STAY THROUGH – Min. and Max. Stay Through
- LENGTH OF STAY – Min. and Max. Length of Stay
- ADVANCE BOOKING – Min. and Max. Advance Booking
- LENGTH OF STAY NA – Length of Stay not Available
- Restrictions will be sent for OOO (Out of Order) and Overbooking
- Restrictions on an SRP will be applied on OPERA PMS rate code, and a restriction on an SRP group will be applied to a PMS rate category.
- Ensure that your Rate Category and Rate Code conversion is up to date in OXI.
- Pegasus CRS also has these restrictions but they are not supported through the interface.
- CRIB- crib
- MGR_HOLD- manager held
- RLWY- rollaway
- RM_COUNT- room count
- ST_LIMIT- stay limit
- ST_MLOS- stay min length of stay
- NS- non-smoking
- Rate Level restrictions – are not supported by OPERA PMS
- Rack Level restrictions – are not supported by OPERA PMS
- For restrictions to work we only handle SRPs which map to an OPERA Rate Code and the SRP Groups that will map to a Rate Category.
Results Message Handling for Reservations
Result messages are always sent for booking transactions. There is a change regarding the Cancel Bookings generated from OPERA PMS. Those reservations that have been canceled in OPERA will not be updated by Result message sent from Pegasus CRS. The result message will not contain the OPERA or CRS confirmation numbers.
- This change allows the booking to not have the original confirmation numbers updated. OXI will generate Optional warnings, intended functionality, as the OXI ID’s are removed in the message.
- These Optional Warnings can be ignored as this does not affect the canceled booking. Optional Warnings can only be seen on the Message Status screen with the on-screen parameter Optional Warnings is active.
Handling for Multiple Rooms for a Single Reservation Record
The handling of reservations with multiple rooms can be booked in the CRS and/or the PMS without the need to limit reservations to 1 room only. This does NOT accommodate general support for multiple accommodation segments.
- OXI will count the accommodation segments from Pegasus.
- OXI will process the number of accommodation segments as number of rooms.
- OXI will return the number of rooms as repeated accommodation segments to Pegasus. See Generic Business Rules for OPERA PMS to Pegasus, for more details.
When receiving multiple accommodation segments, the segments are compared excluding the Segment number and the Guest number. If a discrepancy is found, the reservation is then failed with the message 'Different Accommodation segments are not supported, contact your CRS provider.'
Neither address information nor their respective pipes (extracted segments and full messages are attached for comparison) are included in the repeated segments. All other elements are copied from the first BSEG built.