
Item Inventory Pool Configuration

When the Reservations>Item Inventory Pool application parameter is set to Y, item inventory pools can be configured that gives a property the ability to sell inventory items that have a single quantity available for sale. This available pool number is determined by the maximum quantity of an item associated to the pool. Pooling inventory items allows for multiple inventory items within the same inventory class to be created with booking taking place at the Item level. To configure an item Inventory Pool, select Configuration>Reservations>Item Inventory Setup>Pool button.

Note: When the Reservations>Sell Control Items application parameter is active and one of the items that is included in a Item Inventory Pool is marked as Sell Control, then this feature is automatically populated to any other items that are included in the pool. The Sell Separate flag is not automatically populated to all items in a pool.

Item Inventory Pools Screen

Search Criteria

Item Class. Displays the Item Class that the Item Inventory Pool is being created for. Populates based on from which Class the user’s cursor was highlighted on when the Pool button was selected.

Item Pool Code. To search on a item pool code, enter the partial or full code or select it from the drop down list of values.

Results Grid

Item Pool Code. Item inventory pool code.

Item Pool Description. Detailed description of the item inventory pool.

Display Seq. Number which determines the position the item pool displays in a list of other item pools.

Adding and Editing Item Inventory Pools

To edit an existing item inventory pool, highlight your choice on the Item Inventory Pools screen and select the Edit button. To create a new inventory pool, select the New button from the Item Inventory Pools screen.

Item Inventory Pools New/Edit Screen

Item Pool Code. Enter the item inventory pool code. This code cannot be changed once the Item Inventory Pool is saved.

Item Pool Description. Enter a detailed description of the item inventory pool.

Item Pool Display Seq. Number which determines the position of the Inventory Item Pool in lists of values.

Item List. Select the down arrow to choose the item elements for this Inventory Item Pool. The Items screen appears. To select a item name, enter an X in the X column in the Available grid. Use the Add button to add the item element to the pools Selected grid. Use the Remove button to remove the item from the pools Selected grid. You can also double-click an entry to move it from Available to Selected and vice versa.

Note: Only Items from the same Item Class may be associated to an Inventory Item Pool.

Note: Once an item is associated to an Item Inventory Pool, it can no longer be associated to another pool.

See Also