Membership Stays Report (loyalty_member_stay with PRF3.FMX)
The Loyalty Member Stay Report displays which guests have a Membership attached to a reservation. A hotel can print this report to anticipate what room blocking's or specials will need to be met for arriving, in house, or departed guests. The ability to include Previous Stay information also exists to use as a comparison.
From Date. Enter a begin date for the report results.
To Date. Enter an end date for the report results.
Room Class. Select to filter on Specific Room Classes or All. This option is only displayed when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y.
Membership Type. Select to filter on specific Membership Types. This filter is based on the Membership attached to the Reservation.
Loyalty Number. Enter a specific loyalty member number.
Arrivals. Display only those reservations that have an Arrival Date that is within the selected date range and can include reservations that have a Reservation Status of RESERVED (for future reservations), CHECKED IN, or CHECKED OUT.
Arrived. Display only those reservations that have an Arrival Date equal to the current business date and the Reservation Status is CHECKED IN. This check box is only available if the current business for the property falls within the selected date range. If the date range does not include the current business date, then this check box is disabled.
Stay Overs. Display only those reservations that are currently In-House and are not arriving or departing within the selected date range. This can include reservations that have a Reservation Status of RESERVED, CHECKED IN, or CHECKED OUT, but will not include PROSPECT reservations, for example non-deduct reservations.
Departures. Display only those reservations that have a Departure Date that is within the selected date range and can include reservations with a Reservation Status of RESERVED, CHECKED IN, or CHECKED OUT.
Due Out. Display only those reservations that have a Departure Date equal to the current business date and have a Reservation Status of CHECKED IN. This check box is only available if the current business for the property falls within the selected date range. If the date range does not include the current business date, then this check box is disabled.
Address Details. When checked, the output will include the Address information attached to the Primary Profile.
Previous Stay Info. When checked, the output will include the Total number of Nights, Stays, Cancels, and Revenue the Primary Profile has generated. The report will also display the last date the guest stayed (arrival date). If not selected, these columns will not be displayed.
Preferences. When checked, the output will include all Preferences attached to the Primary Profile on the Reservation.
Specials. When checked, the output will include Specials that are attached to the Reservation.
Notes. When checked, all notes attached to the Reservation and Primary Profile will be displayed on the report. The user can select from a multi select LOV, the Note or Comment types they would like included on the output.
Include Internal Notes. When the Notes checkbox is selected, an additional check box is also displayed that allows the option of including those Notes that have marked as “internal”. If this checkbox is NOT selected, the Filter information on the report output does not display that “internal” notes are not included.
Sort Order. Alphabetical, Membership No., Room No., Room Rate.
Note: The VIP column will only be displayed when the Profiles>VIP application function is set to Y.
In the report output, if the Reservations>Room Limit Per Reservation application setting is set to 1 and the Reservation>Shares application function is set to N, then the Rms. column will not display.