Matrix Trial Balance (New Trialbalance)
The Matrix Trial Balance Report displays a summarized financial picture of the four ledgers - Deposit Ledger, Guest Ledger, Package Ledger, and A/R Ledger. If the OPERA_AR parameter is set to ‘No’ the A/R Ledger column does not display, and if the value is ‘Yes’ the column for A/R Ledger will be displayed. The Net Amount column displays the amounts per the transaction code, and Net Revenue displays the transaction codes that have been marked as Revenue. This report is essential for the manager, as it checks whether all the important figures balance. Each section displays the opening balance for the ledger, a summary of the transactions of the day, and the closing balance. This report may be used for balancing and reconciliation for all ledgers for the day.
The total of the Deposit Ledger, Guest Ledger, Package Ledger, and AR Ledgers shown on this report will balance with the Trial Balance report.
Payments posted internally to an AR Account appear in the Internal DB column. This column is used only for display purposes since it does not affect any other Ledger calculation in the report. Internal DB refers only to the sum of the invoice amount that was recorded when the invoice was created in the AR module. This amount is recorded internally in a special record (DB) that is associated with the transaction code configured in the Cashiering>AR Settlement Code application setting. The information in this column can help the hotel match the total Direct Bill amount for a given day between the Financial Payment and Revenue report (findeptcodes) and the Matrix Trial Balance report (matrix_trial_balance).
Payments posted to an AR account through Cashiering appear in the AR Ledger column. The total of the postings in these columns equals the amount for the Direct Bill transaction code on the Financial Payment and Revenue report (findeptcodes).
The following table displays how each of the amounts are calculated in the Matrix Trial Balance:
Net Amount |
SUM_NET_AMOUNT + SUM_NET_OPEN Total Net Amount for the Day + Total Open Net Amount |
Deposit Ledger |
SUM_DEP_DR - SUM_DEP_CR + DEP_OPENBAL (Sum of All Deposit Debits for the Day - Sum of All Deposit Credits for the Day + Total Deposit Open Balances) |
Guest Ledger |
SUM_GUEST_DR - SUM_GUEST_CR + GUEST_OPENBAL (Sum of All Guests Debits for the Day - Sum of All Guests Credits for the Day + Total Guest Open Balances) |
Package Ledger |
SUM_PAK_DR - SUM_PAK_CR + PAK_OPENBAL (Sum of All Package Debits for the Day - Sum of All Package Credits for the Day + Total Package Open Balances) |
AR Ledger |
SUM_AR_DR - SUM_AR_CR + AR_OPENBAL (Sum of All AR Debits for the Day - Sum of All AR Credits for the Day + Total AR Open Balances) |
Internal DB |
SUM_INT_AR + C_INT_OPENBAL (Sum of All Internal AR for the Day + Total Internal AR Open Balance |
Inter Hotel Ledger |
SUM_INH_DR - SUM_INH_CR + INH_OPENBAL2 (Sum of All Inter Hotel Debits for the Day - Sum of All Inter Hotel Credits for the Day + Total Inter Hotel Open Balances) |
Net Revenue |
SUM_REVENUE + REVENUE_OPEN Total Revenue for the Day + Total Revenue Open |
Three messages can be displayed at the bottom of the Matrix Trial Balance report to display the status of ledgers: