
Membership Classes - ORS/OCIS

Membership classes are used to group membership programs into convenient categories.  For example, separate membership classes can be configured for airline frequent flyer programs, for property guest loyalty programs, or for other kinds of membership programs. Before  membership program types can be created (Configuration> Profiles> Memberships>Types) you must define the membership classes that the programs belongs to.

Select Configuration>Profile>Memberships>Classes to display the membership classes that have been configured and to configure new membership classes.

The Membership Class screen shows the following information.

Class. The membership class code. Each class must have a unique code. The class appears on the member's Profile Membership screen.

Description. A short description of the membership class code. This description displays when searching for codes in the Membership list of values.

Loyalty. A Y in this column indicates that the class is for loyalty programs. Only one class may be configured for loyalty programs.

Freq. Flyer. A Y in this column indicates that the class is for frequent flyer programs. Only one class may be configured for frequent flyer programs.

Seq. A sequence number that determines the position of this class in lists of values. To change the sequence position of a class, highlight the entry and select the up or down arrows, or type a new number in the Seq. column.

Membership classes cannot be deleted if membership types are linked to them.

Creating and Editing Membership Classes

To create a new class, select the New button. To edit an existing class, highlight your choice on the Membership Class screen and select the Edit button. The Membership Class - New or the Membership Class - Edit screen opens.

Provide the following information and select OK.

Class. (read only when editing) The membership class code (e.g., AIR, HOT).

Description. A description for the membership class (e.g., Airline Program, Hotel Guest Loyalty Program). The description displays when searching for codes in the Membership list of values and in reports.

Display Seq. The display sequence number for this class in LOVs. If a sequence number is not entered, the next available number will be assigned to the class.

Loyalty Program. Select this check box if the membership class is for loyalty programs. This category is used for any chain or property based guest recognition program. Only one class may be configured for loyalty programs.

Frequent Flyer. Select this check box if the membership class is for frequent flyer programs. This category is used for any airline reward program. Only one class may be configured for frequent flyer programs.

Note: One class code cannot be flagged as both loyalty and frequent flyer.

See Also