
Message Data Elements for Marsha OXI

This topic contains the following Message Data Elements for Marsha:

RDR Message Format Description

RDR (Reservations Data Representation) messages provide the mechanism for exchanging data between the two systems. This document details the structure of the tagged sections and components that provide the basis for the RDR messages. The data definitions shown in this document should be used in conjunction with document MARSHA INTERFACE MESSAGE CONSTRUCTION that details how to construct messages using the components.

The basic concept behind the RDR data constructs is that related pieces of data will be represented as business entities.

Messages will be built from three structural levels

Message Structure Diagram

Message Envelope:

All messages will be encapsulated by start and end messages tags. The following tags are used:

These tags are used solely to delineate the start and end of the data stream that comprises one message. Each of these tags will end with one element delimiter followed by one component delimiter (See later notes on delimiters).

Message Sections:

The message will be broken into sections corresponding to the basic business entities used in reservations applications. For any one application a message will be constructed from the Message Sections that convey the data required by that application.  Examples of message sections include:

Message sections are intended to provide a method for representing relationships of data.  For example The Guest Section will represent the Guest name and all data associated with that name (i.e. contact number, address etc).

Sections will have both a start and end of section tags.  Within a section the data will be subdivided into components to describe the parts that make up that section.  The start and end of section tags will encapsulate the group of components that comprise a given section.

Message Components:

A component will be defined for each type of business data that builds up a section. For example, the product section will include components to describe the hotel, the reservation period and rate information.

As for the message sections the components will have a unique start of component tag. A delimiter will mark the end of a component. Within a component, delimiters will separate individual elements.

Within a section, a component may be repeated. If a guest has two phone numbers, the contact number field will be repeated.

Note:  A component may appear in more than one section. For example, the free format text component (TXT:) may appear in either the guest or booking sections.

Message Elements:

Components will be constructed from elements. The elements will be defined with standard lengths and content (i.e., alpha, numeric etc).  For transmission the elements will be condensed to remove leading or trailing blanks or fields that are not required for a given message.

The elements that build up a component will be defined and will always be mandatory. If an element does not apply for a given situation, it will still be included in the component but will be left empty.  For example, if a component has two elements

The following sections of this document detail the sections, components, and elements that are supported as part of the RDR message structure.

Request Code:

The first element in every component will be the request code. This element will be used to identify the action that should be taken using the data in the component. The request code will allow a user to request that the data component either be added or deleted from the receiving system. The request code element will support the following values;

Although in some cases a change may be required rather than a delete and an add a change will be represented using the NN and XX codes.

Coded Sets:

To enable information to be communicated between the PMS and MARSHA certain elements are defined as coded sets. Coded sets will be defined within the Data Dictionary.  Coded sets are information in the form of a code.  Examples of coded sets include error numbers, room request codes (i.e. K1 for King Bed) and system codes.

Element Delimiter/End of Line Marker:

To allow the system to isolate individual elements, delimiters will separate elements. An end of line marker will flag the end of each component (or section tag).

Two delimiters are used in the RDR message format.


RDR Sections are used to control relationships between pieces of data.  Sections have been defined to match the key objects used in a reservations application. New Sections will be defined as the use of the interface is expanded.

In addition certain section have been defined to aid communications and to pass instructions between the Peers (see Transaction and Request sections).

At this point the following sections have been defined within the RDR message:

Booking Section. A booking section represents all data used to tie a guest (see Guest Section) to what that guest has purchased (see Product Section). The Booking Section represents a single reservation and will contain data used to reference a reservation (i.e., the Confirmation number and From field information) as well as the point of sale information (i.e., booking source and Travel agency details).

Booking Section content:

See component section for details of components used to construct each section.

Guest Section. A Guest section represents the person who has purchased a product from Marriott International. The Guest Section will include all data that relates to that Guest. Some of this data is permanent data (i.e. Name and Marquis membership number) other components relate to a given stay only (i.e. Estimated time of arrival - ETA).

Guest Section Content:

Permanent guest data entities-

Start of guest reservation data-

Product Section. The Product Section represents what was sold to Guests. The Product section will contain all data that relates to a single contiguous stay in the same room pool.  This includes all stay, pricing, guarantee and booking rule information.

Product Section Content:

Request Section. The Request Section does not relate to a specific Business Object in the Reservations Application.  The Request Section is used to pass an instruction or command between the Peers.  The Action Identifier component (ACT) is used to specify which action is required.  The Argument (ARG) component specifies the argument or parameters that should be used when executing the request action.

For example one Peer may request the other Peer to print a confirmation letter.

Request Section Content:

Transaction Section. As with the Request Section, the Transaction Section does not relate to a specific Business Object in the Reservations Application.  The Transaction Section is generated at execution time when a message is passed between systems.  The section is used to control the address of the originating and destination peers as well as other data used to control the passing of information.  

Transaction Section Content:

Mapping Table Data Elements for Download


Section Description


Component Description


Transaction Section


Interchange Descriptor




Transaction Origin Location




Error Code


Request Section


Action Identifier


Booking Section


CRS reference number




Booking source




Number in party/children




Special service request




Free format text




From field




Error code


Product Section


Hotel information




Pricing Information




Room type Service requests




Arrival status/Room guarantee status




Booking rules and restrictions text




Special religious requirements




Guest experience info




Net rate data




Rate program substitution




Cross sell information




Error code


Guest Section


Guest name




Guest personal details




Guest lodging history




Contact numbers








Guest identifier




Club membership info




Frequent flyer club








Estimated time of arrival




Payment type




Error Code




Address test string