
MULTI BLOCK RATES Application Setting

Group.  BLOCKS

Type. Parameter

Application. PMS


                  ORS (Global)

Description. When the parameter is active (Y), users can select the Rate Codes for the business block from a multi-select Rate LOV on the Business Block New or Edit screen. The multiple selected rates display on the Rooming List Pickup screen. If the parameter is set to N, the Rate Code LOV only provides a single rate code selection.

Property Determination.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Y- Yes

N- No

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Reservations>Business Blocks>Edit


Reservations>Business Blocks>Rate Code lamp


Reservations>Business Blocks>Edit>Options>Rooming List

Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.
