Group Business - INH Detail (nagrpbusiness with GEN1.FMX)
The Groups In House Detail Report displays the current reservations in house that are associated with a Block and have a Group profile attached. The report provides a detailed break down of reservations and associated revenue for each Block and then prints a Grand Total of all Blocks in house. If generated during the Night Audit, the Block Group Revenue matches that of the Manager’s Report.
The nagrpbusiness (Group Business - INH Detail) data should not be compared with data listed in the res_statistics2 (Reservation Statistics) report if:
Also, the nagrpbusiness and res_statistics2 reports data should not be compared because the nagrpbusiness report uses the pr_room_revenue column from the reservation_stat_daily and the res_statistics2 report uses the room_revenue column. The data in these two columns can be different if transactions are transferred from one reservation to another. The pr_room_revenue column will always display the revenue under the profile that actually paid for the transaction. For the room_revenue column, OPERA has an exception that if a transaction was moved from a non-PM room to a PM room, then the revenue is displayed under the non-PM (originating reservation) room. So the revenue amounts in each report would be different and could cause error for the property's financials.
Date Range. Select a date range that encompasses the entire dates of the future occupancy as the Date filter is for From Date and To Date.
Room Class. When the General>Room Class application function is active, select specific room classes to display in the results of the report from the multi-select list of values.
Sort Order. Alphabetical, Arrival Date, Room Number, Room Revenue.
By default the report will group reservations by Room Type and display a Room Type Subtotal for each room type. When the Room Revenue sort order has been selected, the report will sort by Room Revenue ascending.
Room No. Room Number assigned to the reservations that are included in the Group Reservation.
Guest Name. Name of the guest attached to the individual reservation.
Arr. Date. Arrival date for the individual reservations.
Dep. Date. Departure date for the individual reservations.
Room Nts. Number of nights the room has been booked for.
Prs. Nts. Number of persons for the reservation nights for the room.
Room Type. Type of room attached to the individual reservation.
Rate Code. Rate code attached to the individual reservation.
Mkt. Code. Market code used for the individual reservation.
Resv. Status. Status of the individual reservation.
Room Revenue. Amount of room revenue from the individual reservation.
Other Revenue. Amount of other revenue being generated from the individual reservation.
Tax. Amount of tax applied to the reservation.
Total Revenue. Total amount of revenue being generated from the individual reservation.